Democrats Have a Death Wish

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

There is a reason for a system of laws and that is to build a foundation of order for a civilized society. When laws are disobeyed without consequence, society takes the position, “If the laws don’t apply to you, I guess they don’t apply to me either.” This is when chaos ensues and our peacekeepers can become collateral damage in an all-out battle.

Former President Donald Trump had a second assassination attempt made on his life Sunday which was only thwarted because of one Secret Service agent at the top of his game. Again, people on both sides of the aisle have called for a toning down of the political rhetoric particularly the Democrat’s talking point of President Trump being “a threat to our democracy”. But Democrats say one thing and then do another.

As recently as yesterday the press secretary of the White House failed to answer a direct question from a defensive position with an apology but decided it better to go on offense and deflect blame back to former President Trump.

“How Many More Assassination Attempts Until Dems Stop Calling Trump A ‘Threat’?: Doocy Confronts KJP” – Forbes

Because of the tone deafness by people like WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have now posted a new page on their 2024 Presidential Campaign website listing all those people by name with their inflammatory quotes of lies they said about President Trump in the past. This is the first time any presidential candidate has had to resort to this kind of effort to protect his own life as a sort of life insurance policy.

This is their list:

Democrats’ Rhetoric Inspired Another Attempt On President Trump’s Life

And here are some of the mostly Democrat political leaders with their quotes on that list:

  • Kamala Harris — repeatedly: “Trump is a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms.”
  • Kamala Harris: “It’s on us to recognize the threat [Trump] poses.”
  • Kamala Harris: “Does one of us have to come out alive? Ha ha ha ha!”
  • Joe Biden: “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
  • Joe Biden: “I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Trump is a threat to this nation.”
  • Joe Biden: “There is one existential threat: it’s Donald Trump.”
  • Joe Biden: “Trump is a genuine threat to this nation … He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
  • Joe Biden: “Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”
  • Joe Biden: “Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic … and that is a threat to this country.”
  • Tim Walz: “Are [Republicans] a threat to democracy? Yes. … Are they going to put peoples’ lives in danger? Yes.”
  • Gwen Walz: “Buh-bye, Donald Trump.”
  • Rep. Nancy Pelosi: “[Trump] is a threat to our democracy of the kind that we have not seen.”
  • Rep. Jasmine Crockett: “MAGA in general — they are threats to us domestically.”
  • Rep. Dan Goldman: “He is destructive to our democracy and …  he has to be eliminated.”
  • Disgraced Harris staffer TJ Ducklo: “Trump is an existential, urgent threat to our democracy.”
  • Top Harris surrogate Liz Cheney: “Trump presents a fundamental threat to the republic and we are seeing it on a daily basis.”
  • Rep. Steve Cohen: “Trump is an enemy of the United States.”
  • Rep. Maxine Waters: “Are [Trump supporters] preparing a civil war against us?”
  • Rep. Maxine Waters: “I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that [Trump] is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere.”
  • Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Trump is an “existential threat to our democracy.”
  • Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump is the “gravest threat to our democracy.”
  • Rep. Gregory Meeks: “Trump cannot be president again. He’s an existential threat to democracy.”
  • Rep. Dan Goldman: “Trump remains the greatest threat to our democracy.”
  • Rep. Jake Auchincloss: “What unifies us as a party is knowing that Donald Trump is an existential threat to Democracy.”
  • Rep. Abigail Spanberger: “Trump is a threat to our democracy … the threats to our democratic republic are real.”
  • Rep. Annie Kuster: “Trump and his extreme right-wing followers pose an existential threat to our democracy.”
  • Rep. Becca Balint: “We cannot underestimate the threat [Trump] poses to American democracy.”
  • Rep. Jason Crow: “Trump is an extreme danger to our democracy.”
  • Rep. Raul Grijalva: “Trump is an existential threat to American democracy.”
  • Sen. Michael Bennet: Trump is “a threat to our democracy.”
  • Rep. Stacey Plaskett: Trump “needs to be shot.”
  • Rep. Steven Horsford: “Trump Republicans are a dangerous threat to our state.”
  • Rep. Gabe Vasquez: “Remove the national threat from office.”
  • Rep. Mike Levin: “Donald Trump is a threat to our nation, our freedom, and our democracy.”
  • Rep. Eric Sorensen: “He is the greatest threat to law and order we have in our country.”
  • Rep. Greg Landsman: “The threat is not over.”
  • Rep. Pat Ryan: “Trump is an existential threat to American democracy.”
  • Rick Wilson, The Lincoln Project: “They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump.”
  • Former Harris-Biden staffer Kate Bedingfield: Democrats should “turn their fire on Donald Trump.”


But, as great and complete as Trump’s list is, he missed some:

  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger: “The threat to our democracy is real. And today [J6 Hearing Day #1] we’ll see just how close we came to losing it all.”
  • Rep. Hakeem Jeffrie: “Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025. We must stop them.”
  • Sen. Chuck Schumer: “This is a sad day for America and a sad day for our democracy. The very basis of our judicial system is that no one is above the law. Treason or incitement of insurrection should not be considered a core constitutional power afforded to a president.”

People have asked me, “Why do you think all the bullets are flying from left to right and not right to left?”

I told them, “Most of us live a good and proper life so that when we die we go to Heaven. But with a sociopath, when they have complete control over those around them in this world, they are in Heaven. These socialist Democrats are sociopaths. God gives life, only God should take it away.”  

In other words the only reason the right is not killing people on the left is because of their belief in God. As such they realize Secret Service and law enforcement officers are innocent peacekeepers of the taxpayers who have families they want to go home to at the end of the day.

However, I believe if something happens to Donald J. Trump, the Secret Service and law enforcement would do well following the old adage “walk away” (#WalkAway) as this list could very well become a kill list for those with a death wish.

My only hope would be they use electric vehicles rather than assault rifles.

The left underestimates the right’s devotion to President Donald Trump while mistaking peaceful patriotic patience as cowardice.

 (And for all those who think I am biased with hate against Democrats; 4 years ago all the political signs stolen and/or vandalized in our county were Trump signs, not Clinton! This year, Trump signs, not Harris! And for the record, I live in a VERY Republican County. Democrats need to see some consequences for their wrongdoings.) 

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