Springfield Gun Sales Girl Turns Whistleblower

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

A pretty remarkable video has dropped this past week that is going viral and is truly jaw dropping. The video features a young lady by the name of Libby of Springfield, Ohio. In the video she comes forward to attest that last year she worked in a retail store (Rural King) that sold guns to illegal immigrants. She claims she was pressured to sell some 40 guns to undocumented illegal immigrants.

When somebody purchases a firearm they are required to complete a form from the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). That form is titled ATF Form 4473. Thereafter they are put through a background check.

ATF Form 4473 – Firearms Transaction Record Revisions

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and other federal agencies are involved with gun purchaser background checks:

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) operates the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is used by federal firearms licensees (FFLs) to perform background checks on prospective firearm buyers. The FBI works with state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies and courts to verify eligibility.

The ATF works in unison with state and local law enforcement to establish crime gun intelligence centers. Under the Biden-Harris administration the ATF also finalized a rule in 2024 requiring more unlicensed gun sellers to get dealer licenses. The Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security’s Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of State, U.S. Coast Guard, and Department of Veteran Affairs, are also authorized to provide information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

This video story was posted on Monday, September 16th. On Wednesday the 18th an update was posted that Libby has had to hire an attorney as she was scheduled to meet with agents of the Bureau of ATF and County Sheriff on Friday. She was apparently told she could face up to 12 years in a federal penitentiary for the crime of selling firearms to illegal immigrants.

Persons who are gun dealers are required to have a FFL which stands for Federal Firearms License which allows individuals or companies to engage in the business buying and selling firearms.

Processing the sale of a gun by an FFL means they have a customer fill out the 4473 form and provide a government issued ID. They then call the FBI NICS line and have them perform a Background Check. The FBI will then reply “Proceed”, “Don’t Proceed”, or “Wait”. Once the FBI clears the buyer there is little an FFL can do to refuse the sale without risking being sued unless it is a suspected “Straw Purchase”. A straw purchase is a criminal act in where a firearm is bought by one person on behalf of another who is unable to make the purchase legally themselves, FFLs are well within their right to refuse to do business with that person or group of persons if they suspect this is the hidden agenda.

Additionally, 12 of the 50 states have a required “waiting period” or “cooling off period” such that an individual cannot take possession of a gun the same day as the sale. These vary from 3 to 10 days depending on the state. Ohio is not one of those states to do this.

The question comes up; “May aliens legally in the United States purchase firearms?”

The ATF offers this answer:

“An alien legally in the U.S. is not prohibited from purchasing firearms unless the alien is admitted into the U.S. under a nonimmigrant visa and does not meet one of the exceptions as provided in 18 U.S.C. 922(y)(2), such as possession of a valid hunting license or permit.”


We called around to the half a dozen FFL gun dealers of Springfield, Ohio. Most had heard of or seen this story by this girl named Libby in their town. All of them said she was not a former employee of theirs but one dealer said she had been an employee of a Rural King box store outside of town.

All the dealers said they could not understand her story given how the ATF 4473 form works as intended. One dealer who wished to remain anonymous told us, “Unless the ATF and FBI are approving ‘Prohibited Persons’, this story sounds pretty wild.”

Another Springfield gun dealer told us, “We can confirm we have had carloads of immigrants coming in 10 at a time we suspect are trying to get us to fall for a straw purchase and this puts a lot of pressure on our store staff. We just call local police and they usually disperse.”

 One of the more interesting observations came from an older FFL member of Springfield, “Man, if she was breaking the law because her boss was telling her to, that probably won’t hold up in court. I hope she has a good lawyer.”

Where Libby may have a strong defense is if she and the folks of the FBI were confused over the sham Biden and Harris came up with in their new “Parole in Place” CHNV (Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, & Venezuela) importation program.

We are not sure if these people would be cleared for purchase of a gun or not but we are pretty sure they should not be here in the first place!

“Illegal Alien Parole Scheme Unfrozen, Over Half a Million Have Been Granted Entry” – Texas Scorecard

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