There is an expression going around these days that makes many smile and laugh, “That didn’t age well!”
Take for example back in 2016 when presidential Hillary Clinton said this about Donald Trump:
“I believe the person the Republicans have nominated for president cannot do the job,” Clinton said. “Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different. They are dangerously incoherent.
“This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes, because it’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a nuclear war just because someone got under his very thin skin.”
Of course nobody gets history wrong more than Hillary Clinton as seen when she added this:
“A Trump presidency would embolden ISIS,” she said. “We cannot take that risk. This isn’t reality television. It’s reality.”
Of course Trump went on to decimate ISIS into oblivion during his presidency.
One would think the Democrats would learn from past mistakes. But, in 2023 they are already ramping up the attacks on Donald Trump (without evidence, as the media likes to say).
Clinton recently appeared on the morning ABC television show The View where she ranted on a second Trump presidency as being “almost unimaginable” and likened Trump to Adolf Hitler.
“You could see it in countries where, well, Hitler was duly elected, right?” said Clinton. “And so all of a sudden somebody with those tendencies, so dictatorial authoritarian tendencies, would be like, OK, we’re going to shut this down.”
Again, Republican President Donald Trump and Republican Governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis and South Dakota’s Kristie Noem offered two of the most open states of the Union throughout the entire Covid-19 pandemic.
In fact, Trump encouraged governor’s to each do what they felt was best for their own states.
Meanwhile, in other states led by the tyrannical nonsensical Democrats:
During the pandemic Governor Gavin Newsom (D) allowed California strip clubs to remain open while churches had to close. The media never asked him to explain this!
During the pandemic Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) banned Michigan stores from selling seeds and home gardening supplies. She also tried to ban private boating but lost that one in court. Again, the media never asked her to explain herself.
During the pandemic Illinois banned public gatherings and had a stay-at-home order so Poopy’s biker bar blew that up for billionaire Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) with both a lawsuit and civil disobedience. The bar was open Memorial Day 2020 with hundreds in attendance. I was there. The media was not.
Local county officials said what Pritzker was doing was unconstitutional and they were having nothing to do with it.
“WITH LAWSUIT ATTACHED: Poopy’s owner sues Pritzker over ‘stay-at-home’ order”
Just about every protest and lawsuit involving the unconstitutional tyrannical executive orders of the Covid-19 pandemic were brought against Democrat leadership. It is almost like Democrat liars are now trying to rewrite history and hope America forgets about the past!
The worst part of the unfounded statements against presidential candidate Donald Trump is that they are not just void of truth but they are actual outright lies. Two examples recently in the news were California Representative Adam Schiff (D) and former Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney (R) who ironically made the exact same talking points the last few days. To the public, they, once again, shored up the public’s belief in the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Operation Mockingbird.
“‘Trump will never leave office again’ – Liz Cheney’s warning to America”
“’Donald Trump will never leave office voluntarily’: Rep. Schiff on the threat of a second Trump term”
The problem of liberals and their talking points is they have lost all credibility and here is why.
President Trump uses a term “fake news media” and he does so for good reason. Some Democrat talking head makes a ridiculous statement or takes a ridiculous position and the mainstream media never asks them to explain themselves!
The average American sees a situation going on, such as our open southern border, and it generates a number of valid and very good questions in their minds. These questions go unasked and therefor remain unanswered.
Questions like:
Our leaders took an oath to protect and serve the country and our constitution, so why are they allowing the border to remain wide open unless they are in bed with George Soros and his desire to destroy our country for his personal gain?
A number of these supposed immigrants are overwhelming young men of fighting age from nations other than those of Central and South America. So if they are asylum seekers from Iran and China, how did they get to Central/South America? Both of those countries restrict the movement of their populations.
These supposed asylum seeker immigrants appear to be amazingly well organized and funded. How is it they all have cell phones and who pays for all this? Who are they talking to on those phones and what are they saying?
President Trump has said countries in Central and South America are dumping their prisons and insane asylums over our border according to intelligence reports. Are you, of the news media, investigating this at all? Obviously he is right as a number of Americans have been robbed, raped, and murdered by immigrants (a.k.a. illegal aliens) with criminal pasts. Do you even care about these Americans?
Another thing noticed which is humorous, odd, and frightening: Many average American citizens are now shouting out these questions at our elected Democrat leaders as they appear in public as they look frightened they are being called out. Case in point:
“AOC shouted down in NYC townhall as protesters voice frustration on key issues”
What makes this so frightening to the public is this; If these elected officials are no longer working for WE, THE PEOPLE, just exactly who are they working for and what is their endgame?
When will the border close again and the 5 million unvetted illegal aliens be deported back to their countries of origin?
My guess is the correct answer is: When Trump is back in the Oval Office again.
Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau