3 Years With COVID-19: The Real Story and Its Connection to the Erosion of Democracy

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Exposing the propaganda narrative in Israel and the global community

In Pieter Bruegel’s painting “Landscape With the Fall of Icarus,” the canvas is dominated by workers going about their daily routines. A person looking at the painting must strain to find the legs of Icarus as he plunges into the sea—having flown too close to the sun—resulting in the melting of his wings, made of wax and feathers.

The message is clear: Those who succumb to hubris will ultimately become a minor detail in the grand fabric of social reality.

About three years ago, we first learned about the outbreak of the new coronavirus in China. The accumulated information and the perspective that has become evident over time make it possible to tell the true story of the pandemic, which is different from what many still believe.

The following may therefore surprise those who are not up to date on the world’s scientific literature. This story directly connects to the political, social, and economic processes that the world and Israel have been experiencing, including what amounts to a regime overthrow. But first things first.

False Narratives

While misinformation is spreading false information without the intent to deceive, disinformation—the intentional spreading of false information with the intent to mislead or deceive—is divisive, destructive, and can cause irreparable harm.

Consider the impact of the following narratives spread throughout the pandemic.

Narrative 1: The Origin of the Virus

The presence of a unique segment in the viral genome and the fact that no host animal has been found with the virus has raised suspicions that the virus’ origin is not of natural evolution but rather from gain-of-function research done in a laboratory from whence the virus was probably leaked by infecting some laboratory workers.

What is known about the studies done on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, funded by the American government, strengthens this hypothesis and poses a difficult question about the responsibility of the researchers and their funders for the outbreak.

Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli

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