30 Days To Save America

Contact Your Elected Officials

On March 29, President Trump announced that the United States will be expanding its social distancing measures through April. Here is the six point plan from 30 Days To Save America that will help America to SMASH the curve and get America back to work.


1. Stop Non-Essential Air and Rail Travel:

Restrict domestic and international air travel from all cities and areas declared “hotspots.” This should apply to passenger rail traffic also from same locations in order to bring down the ability for the virus to spread to new areas. These restrictions would not be placed on trade or commercial activity and should be part of a comprehensive, clearly defined approach.

2. Institute National Shelter-In-Place:

Current shelter-in-place rules have different definitions depending on state and locality. A national description or a system of gradation defined by the intensity of the outbreak can help better inform the public, and a national shelter-in-place declaration with a view toward slowing the spread is warranted.

3. Require Masks in Public:

Current face mask or face covering recommendations do not go far enough. A national pro-public masking order would help stop the spread. At very least this should cover public transit and other workers in contact with the public.

4. Quarantine “Hotspots”:

The containment response in New Rochelle – which seems to have worked effectively – should be considered further, with a view toward establishing such responses in larger areas. New York City, New Orleans, Detroit and other developing “hotspots” may warrant such implementation.

5. Expand Usage of Therapeutics: 

The FDA should use the most liberal guidelines possible as doctors struggle to cope with the pandemic so that the doctors on the front lines can adapt drug strategies on the battlefield without fear of legal or bureaucratic interference in off label use of medicines.

6. Expand Mass Testing: 

Mass testing is critical for understanding both infection and mortality rates. Right now we have no clear picture of the number of infected or recovered. Anti-body testing in particular should become an immediate priority so decision makers can act upon information pertaining to the recovery rate and our ability to send Americans back to work as soon as possible.

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