31,000 Mail-In Ballots Requested At Ineligible Addresses in Wisconsin

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Mail-in ballots are being requested, by the thousands, in locations which are undeliverable – in Wisconsin.

If nobody is there, who the hell is requesting that ballot?

This is the heart of the 2024 STEAL – and it is happening in plain sight, for the world to see.

StopBogusBallots.com is publishing this travesty – which the RNC and Trump Campaign will not fight – for everyone to see.

Below is a list from our colleague, Peter Bernegger of locations where a mail-in ballot was REQUESTED recently in Wisconsin!

We published this on StopBogusBallots.com.

Peter and the team bought the official voter lists in Wisconsin – beginning in March – until several days ago. Those lists are about $12,000 each – so this is a very expensive exercise.

Registrants on the list: 744,076.

Peter and the team removed the inactive voters bringing the number down to 380,050 and here is what he found:

2,777 permanently moved out of state

2,325 address not deliverable and not found in the USPS database

7,571 incorrect or missing secondary (missing APT #5 for example) 513 door not accessible

976 single receptacle drop for mail for all residents at same physical address

97 No secure location at all to leave mail

13 Registered to a US Post Office street address

1,251 vacant for more than 90 days (person not rec. mail for more than 90 days, not necessarily an empty house)

31 Registered to a commercial address such as a UPS, Fedex store

3,408 Duplicates

275 Moved but left no forwarding address

168 At high rise building but not housing

442 Identified as a business location, but not commercial

10,877 Not all components of the address match up to what is in the USPS database

30,724 in total

The question is who is requesting ballots for people who have moved?

Who is requesting duplicate ballots be sent to an address?

Who is requesting a ballot to an undeliverable address?

Welcome to the 2024 steal – you are watching the work of Leftist NGOs, operating in unison – with no central control – to assign ballots to ineligible addresses.

By Jim Hoft

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