Chart of the Day: Business and Politics Join Hands in a Third of a Trillion Dollars in Funding – BLM on Steroids?

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses
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The Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots of 2020 were the largest and most successful shakedown in American history, as pointed out in a recent article from The Federalist.

These “mostly peaceful protests” – which burned more than 200 American cities and wreaked more than $2 billion in damages – achieved more than anyone could have predicted: changes in laws, private sector policies, and perhaps most importantly, a historic transfer of wealth to racial and leftwing causes. As a result, American corporations gave or pledged more than $83 billion to either BLM or BLM-related causes.

The Federalists created a database tracking contributions and pledges made to the BLM movement and related causes, which we define as organizations and initiatives that advance one or more aspects of BLM’s agenda. While the money was given or pledged in different ways, it was unmistakable for so-called “racial justice.” Sometimes this meant cash transfers to partners of BLM, like the Color of Changethe NAACP, the Equal Justice Initiative, and the ACLU.

This $83 billion represents a shocking amount of money directed toward a political narrative and, more specifically, toward a single political party. But it does not stop there.

At the end of 2020, the McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility first analyzed the monetary commitments from Fortune 1000 companies and institutions that pledged to fight racial injustice following the murder of George Floyd.

In response to a movement that began in America, some of the world’s largest companies dedicated more than $66 billion in funds to the cause. When we analyzed the landscape up to May 2021, companies upped their commitments and made new ones to reach a cumulative amount of approximately $200 billion in earmarked funding.

McKinsey took another look at the racial equity commitments from 1,369 Fortune 1000 companies (including new and recently removed Fortune 1000 companies) from May 13, 2021, to October 10, 2022. Our most recent analysis finds that companies pledged about $340 billion to drive racial equity between May 2020 and October 2022, $141 billion of which has come in the last year between May 2021 and October 2022.

This represents over a third of a trillion dollars in funding and pledged funding to support the leftwing racial injustice narrative. See this rise in funding in the chart below and learn more here.

Since May 2020, companies have committed about $340 billion to fighting racial injustice.

Most of the money going toward fighting racial injustice comes from one industry. From May 2021 through October 2022, 16 Fortune 1000 finance companies made up 93% of the value of commitments. Most funding commitments made since 2021 do not provide a breakdown of how the funds will be deployed, making it difficult to track, according to McKinsey.

So where is the money going, and what will it be spent on?

Aside from the false narrative that somehow America has massive systemic racism and is chucked full of white suprematist, this gigantic war chest going toward a single false narrative is troubling. McKinsey alluded that the recipients of this money will go towards a potpourri of dark leftwing pools of politically directed organizations. One has to wonder if a lot of this money will end up in the campaign coffers of Democratic and other uni-party Republican candidates.

It is ironic as well that the funding source is primarily financial and banking institutions that these various groups often proclaim as the “evil-doers.” It is almost as if the “banksters” want to fund chaos for arterial motives. Just who is being played as the fool?

So we have, in a sense, business joining with government (a single uni-party) to control the people. What form of government do we have when business and government are one? Give us your answer in the comment section below.

See more Chart of the Day posts.

By Tom Williams

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