Well, it has happened. The Democrats have politically detonated the war on MAGA and have indicted Trump. And it may not end here; the war on MAGA may extend to Georgia on a sham election interfering charge and to Mara Lago on a document mishandling issue.
Charges abound against the Democrats of unequal justice being executed by Democratic-appointed prosecutors. We thought we would put this to the test to see if justice is unequal between Left and Right politically motivated prosecutions.
We hold up two recent events where each side was involved in a political protest that became unlawful. The two events were the BLM riots in 2020 and the January 6th MAGA protests. In the below chart, we show the scale of each event in terms of:
- damages caused (BLM: $2bn vs. J6 $1.5m), and
- the number of people arrested at the events (BLM: 17,000 vs. J6: 978).
How did the DoJ respond in terms of convictions in the two cases? The scale of the two events is not even close enough to really consider – the BLM riots were massive in just about all measures when compared to the January 6th MAGA protests.
And yet more people were chased down by the DoJ, arrested and convicted from the January 6th MAGA protests (465) when compared to the BLM riots (335). A horrible unequal justice is being perpetrated on the American people.
See the same data from the chart above in table form below.
See here, here, and here for citations for the above data.
But it doesn’t stop here. Left-wing causes have their funding exploded to over $340bn (a third of a trillion dollars), ready to make further war on MAGA. A rather shocking amount of money.
Can the Republic withstand this kind of unequal justice?
By Tom Williams