“The Day Free Speech Died” April 29, 2023

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Topical notes for important political and cultural issues of the week of April 29, 2023, “The Day Free Speech Died” includes:

  • The Purge:
    • Tucker Carlson Broadcasts an 8:00 pm Message, “True Things Prevail” – see here.
    • Carlson Video Exceeds 60M Views in Less Than 24 Hours – see here.
    • Mike Cernovich: Rupert Murdoch Fired Tucker Carlson Because He Stood in the Way of WWIII Agenda  – see here. 
    • The European Commission announced major censorship/moderation of hate speech on several platforms through regulatory compliance – see here.
    • Now They’re Trying To Censor Your Text Messages – see here.
    • MN Democrats want to create a database to track the speech of Minnesotans that they deem hateful – see here.
  • Getting Away With Murder:
    • Top ten quotes from Dr. Fauci’s NYT Interview – see here.
    • CDC Officials Make False Statements About Possible COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects – see here.
    • Doctors were bribed for Covid vaccination coercion and medical coding – see here.
    • Pfizer Gave Millions to ‘Independent’ Groups to Push COVID Vaccine Mandates – see here.
    • RFK Jr. Explains How Biden, Trump Could Have Reined in Big Pharma With the “Stroke of the Pen” – see here
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • XI and Zelensky have the talk: Co. Douglas MacGregor’s latest update – see here. 
    • Kremlin Rejects German Media’s “Putin Drone Assassination” Report- see here.
    • UK Confirms Depleted Uranium Munitions Being Used Against Russians In Ukraine- see here.
    • Trapped Americans In Sudan “Shocked & Disgusted” – Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves – see here.
    • GDP Disappoints: U.S. Economy Grew Just 1.1% in First Quarter – see here.
    • Inflation comparisons Biden /Trump – see here.
    • Charts of the Day – see here,  here, and here.
    • Feds: Powel gets punked – see here.
    • Former Vice President Pence testifies to a federal grand jury investigating Donald Trump and January 6 – see here.
    • Florida Senate Pass Bill 28-12 Allowing DeSantis to Run Without Resigning, NBC Reports Announcement Coming Mid-May – see here.
    • Senator Feinstein’s absence allowed the Senate to pass a repeal of a White House antipollution measure – see here.
    • One-third of Democrats say it is at least somewhat likely they will vote for a third-party candidate in 2024, a Rasmussen Reports survey – see here.
    • The latest Morning Consult poll shows that former President Donald Trump is more electable against President Joe Biden than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) by a large margin – see here.
    • Montana Legislature Votes To Remove Trans Lawmaker From House Floor For Rest Of 2023 – see here.
    • Whistleblower Alleges Federal Government Acts as “Middleman” for Cartel Child Trafficking- see here.
    • Whistleblower Tara Rodas’s testimony to Congress – see here.
  • Culture Wars:
    • Steven Crowder Is A Monster – Change My Mind video by Candace Owens – see here.
    • Stephen Crowder’s video he released announcing his divorce – see here.
    • Yashar Ali Sustack on Crowder – see here.
    • Crowder’s latest video addressing the video by Ali – see here.

By Bekah Lyons

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