Haley Joins 2024 GOP Candidates Who’ve Said They Would Fire FBI Director

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GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has said that she would fire FBI Director Christopher Wray were she to be elected.

During a June 28 interview with The Epoch Times in New Hampshire, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said that, while she would oust the FBI leader, it would not stop there.

“I think that, first of all, you have to understand that they have lost all trust with the American people. And we have to go build that trust back. We can’t build that trust back if Christopher Wray is the head of the FBI,” she said.

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“But it’s not just Chris Wray. You’ve got to get rid of all that senior management out there, too,” continued Haley. “We’ve got to go and make an example of people. We’ve got to go and show that we’re truly cleaning it up if we’re going to take care of it.”

While The Daily Caller first reported on Haley’s campaign press secretary, Ken Farnaso, saying that Haley would fire Wray, this was the first time the candidate herself said she would relieve the FBI director of his duties.

Wray, a Republican, has come under fire for, among numerous issues, allegedly allowing the FBI to be weaponized against conservatives—from not holding accountable those behind the Steele Dossier, which prompted Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign to be spied on, and then a special counsel investigation that found no collusion between the campaign and Russia, to the FBI being sent to school board meetings as parents expressed frustration and anger over far-left and explicit content being taught to schoolchildren.

Wray has also come under fire from the GOP for not being forthcoming in producing documents allegedly tied to corruption surrounding President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. Under threat of contempt, Wray allowed members of the House Oversight Committee to view in a classified setting an unclassified document alleging Joe Biden taking a bribe from a foreign official when he was vice president.

Additionally, Haley said that on her first day in the Oval Office she would get rid of executive branch agency leaders.

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