Trump’s Agenda47: Stopping Child Trafficking

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Donald Trump: I was thrilled to host a screening at Bedminster of the important new film “Sound of Freedom” about the power of faith and overcoming evil, and, in particular, the evil of child trafficking. Big Problem. We had it down to the lowest number in many years just 4 years ago and now it’s gone through the roof. Even though the fake news media has tried to ignore it, “Sound to Freedom” has been a national sensation and a colossal success at the box office, really big numbers. Everyone should see it. This is a very important film, very important movie, and it’s a very important documentary all wrapped up in one. It’s really about an issue that has to be discussed.

Under my leadership we did more than any administration in history to combat human trafficking and to end modern day slavery. In one of my first acts in office I signed an executive order targeting transnational criminal organizations that traffic and exploit innocent people. I signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act authorizing 430 million dollars to fight sex and labor trafficking.

I signed legislation to crack down on foreign countries who are not meeting standards for eliminating trafficking, of which there are many. I also signed into law the Abolish Human Trafficking Act which strengthen programs supporting survivors and provided more resources for ending modern slavery. We do have modern slavery if you can believe it. Additionally, I created the first ever White House position focus solely on combating human trafficking. And perhaps most importantly we created the most secure border in U.S. history by far, dealing a major blow to the cartels and traffickers. We build hundreds of miles of wall. We renovated hundreds of miles of wall. We never had anything like it. And then I got Mexico, free of charge, to give us $28,000 soldiers to protect us from people coming into our country illegally.

When I am back in the White House I will immediately end the Biden border nightmare that traffickers are using to exploit vulnerable women and children. We will fully secure the border. I will wage war on the cartels just as I destroyed the Isis caliphate, 100% gone, 100% destroyed. They’ll come back now because we have a weak Administration. I will use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries and without delay. And I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border receives the death penalty, immediately. And that includes also for women, because women, as you know, are number one in trafficking. Children are actually number two.

I want to thank Eduardo, Jim Ballard, and everyone else involved in this film for their incredible efforts and their great genius. Together we will end the scourge of human trafficking and we will defend the dignity of human life. Thank you very much.

The Trump Administration Is Committed to Combating Human Trafficking and Protecting The Innocent

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