EXCLUSIVE: Security Footage Undermines Key Claims in Police Report in Death of Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6

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Video also reveals rescuers spent more than 60 minutes trying to revive her lifeless body

After CPR and other lifesaving efforts inside a basement entrance to the U.S. Capitol failed, Jan. 6 protester Rosanne M. Boyland was moved up one level to the Crypt, where DC Fire and EMS Department paramedics continued resuscitation efforts for another 40 minutes, new security video shows.

Previously unreleased Capitol Police closed-circuit-television footage obtained by The Epoch Times adds crucial new details to the tragic story of Ms. Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia, who died after collapsing outside the Lower West Terrace tunnel on Jan. 6, 2021.

The security video deflates claims made in the initial Capitol Police report that Ms. Boyland simply collapsed in the Capitol Rotunda at 5 p.m. on Jan. 6, and that the officer who observed her “wandering around the Rotunda” immediately began cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Nothing that the Metropolitan Police Department relayed to Ms. Boyland’s family from the Jan. 7 report turned out to be true, except that she was dead. As the security video conclusively shows, Ms. Boyland did not collapse in the Rotunda and paramedics did not find her there receiving CPR from two unnamed Capitol Police officers.

Ms. Boyland’s mother, Cheryl Boyland, thought something seemed off about that report from the time she first read it at 4:23 a.m. on Jan. 7, 2021. “I was shocked and angry that the police would lie about Rosanne’s death on their report to other police officers,” Mrs. Boyland told The Epoch Times in an email.

The new video only deepens the stark contrast between the indifference shown to a pulseless Ms. Boyland by police outside the tunnel and the unflinching trauma care she received from medics, police officers, and paramedics once she was brought inside the Capitol.

The video also underscores the desperate attempts to save Ms. Boyland’s life by a group of fellow protesters, who repeatedly begged police for medical help and began CPR themselves when no officers stepped forward.

By Joseph M. Hanneman

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