The Truth About Bidenomics

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In recent weeks Joe Biden has been pushing his disastrous economic agenda called by Bidenomics. But what is by Bidenomics? Well, here’s a preview:

Maria Bartromo: Let’s be clear about what by Bidenomics really is. I mean, the economic plans out of this Administration have been very clear, spending, regulation, and higher taxes. That’s what Bidenomics is.

And thanks to Joe Biden’s war on American Energy, in 2022 Americans paid the highest gas prices ever, over $5 a gallon. In fact Joe Biden has set a lot of records. Like 40-year record high inflation. Like 26 months of collapsing real wages, the longest streak on record. And thanks to Bidenomics, hardworking Americans now owe nearly a trillion dollars in credit card debt, an all time record high.

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Reporter: The cost of housing, shelter up five percent in one year. And electricity up 13 and a half percent. Natural gas up almost 40%. Breakfast lunch and dinner is more expensive. Food up 10 and a half percent.

Bidenomics means 1/3 of Gen Z and Millennials have absolutely zero savings, nothing.

But it wasn’t always like this. In fact, Joe Biden inherited a booming, robust economy from President Donald J. Trump.

Kudlow: Remember Mr. Biden inherited a six and a half percent growth rate with roughly one and a half percent inflation from his predecessor Donald Trump. Essentially Biden’s big government socialism has turned a booming economy into a bust.

Under President Trump wages were up, unemployment hit historic lows and on his last day in office gasoline was only $2.39 a gallon. President Trump created 7 million new jobs, triple the projections, leading to the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years. The Trump economy lifted 7 million people off of food stamps and achieved a record high stock market and record 401ks. Under President Trump unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, women, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma, all reached record lows.

Mark Simone: And the other candidates can only claim they know how to run a National economy, no one knows if they do or not. Trump is a proven, oh look who I’m telling, Trump isn’t proven winner on the economy.

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