Texas Republicans to Biden: “No border security, no funding.”

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WASHINGTON, DC — On Thursday, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) led 14 of his fellow Texas Republican House members in calling on Congress to approve no funding for Biden and Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security until the current administration takes concrete action to secure the border.

The lawmakers wrote,“The State of Texas is bearing the brunt of a national crisis at our southern border directly resulting from the unlawful and irresponsible actions of President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas.”

“Governor Abbott has been forced to use Texas’ limited resources to do at least part of the job the federal government refuses,”the letter continues. “Rather than reimburse Texas for its efforts, which benefit all Americans, the Biden administration has filed suit against our state citing ‘humanitarian concerns,’ purposefully ignoring the humanitarian crisis of its own making.”

“Simply put, no member of Congress should agree to fund a federal agency at war with his state and people. We have a moral obligation to protect our states, our nation, and, importantly, the migrant children getting abused from the disaster transpiring at our southern border.”

“No appropriation should fund DHS,” the lawmakers explain, “until the necessary steps are taken to secure the border, such as:

  1. Signing H.R. 2, or similar strong border security legislation, into law and prohibiting funds from being used in contravention of its provisions, including by mass releasing migrants through the CBP One app or otherwise;
  2. Adopting policies that give law enforcement and/or our military the tools necessary to target dangerous cartels;
  3. Ensuring Secretary Mayorkas is removed from office, resigns, is fired, or is otherwise defunded; and/or
  1. Reimbursing Texas the $10 billion – to date – for Operation Lonestar and related border security efforts, as well as any other border state that has demonstrated such significant law-enforcement related expenses, and stopping Biden’s lawsuit against our state.”

“No border security, no funding,” the letter concludes.

Co-signers of the letter include Representatives Brian Babin (TX-36), Keith Self (TX-3), Wesley Hunt (TX-38), Randy Weber (TX-14), Beth Van Duyne (TX-24), Nathaniel Moran (TX-1), Michael Burgess (TX-26), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Lance Gooden (TX-5), Troy Nehls (TX-22), Pete Sessions (TX-17), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Pat Fallon (TX-13) and Morgan Luttrell (TX-8).

Read the full letter here.


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