Gaetz has doubts ‘sad and pathetic’ McCarthy will follow through on Biden impeachment

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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) expressed skepticism that Speaker Kevin McCarthy is serious about impeaching President Joe Biden and has “no real intent to follow through” on holding the deeply corrupt Democrat accountable.

The Florida Republican appeared on MSNBC where he rejected McCarthy’s assertion that the source of the tension between the two lawmakers was his being upset about an ethics probe into allegations of sex trafficking, a case that was closed by the Biden Justice Department.

Gaetz reacted to McCarthy’s remarks on Wednesday’s edition of “The Beat” with Ari Melber, blasting McCarthy as “a sad and pathetic man who lies to hold on to power” before the subject turned to the speaker’s waffling on the Biden impeachment inquiry that he just announced.

After playing a clip of McCarthy’s dancing around questions about the House GOP inquiry to reporters who he told “it’s not impeachment,” Melber asked for the congressman’s response.

“I couldn’t tell if you cut away to Kevin McCarthy or a commercial for Low-T, because yesterday’s impeachment is somehow today’s not impeachment,” Gaetz replied. “Good gracious, if we actually have to go make the case about Joe Biden, let’s hope we have effective people like Jim Jordan and James Comer making the case, and maybe turn off Kevin McCarthy’s microphone for a while.”

“The high crime and misdemeanor to me is bribery,” he continued.

“I mean when you’ve got Joe Biden participating in sixteen meetings with Hunter Biden’s business partners, and you can’t even really call them that, they’re just more like bribe payers because there was no business,” he said, adding that the White House has shifted its position “pretty substantially” on the president’s claims about talking to Hunter Biden about his business dealings.

“He’s never gonna do it,” Gaetz later said when pressed on the speaker and impeachment. “I can peel back the curtain here. Kevin McCarthy is gonna advance an actual impeachment on Joe Biden a lot like he was going to advance an impeachment of Ally Mayorkas,” referring to the embattled Homeland Security chieftain.

By  Chris Donaldson

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