White House knew Biden had his own document problem before siccing FBI on Trump, new timeline shows

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A case of psychological projection? Biden’s White House knew that he left boxes of documents at the Penn Biden Center a year before he directed NARA to facilitate FBI’s raid on Trump home over documents.

During the Russia collusion scandal, Republicans often accused Democrats of projecting their sins on their political rivals. After all, Hillary Clinton’s family was taking money from Russia long before her campaign paid for the infamous “Steele Dossier” that falsely tried to paint Donald Trump as a stooge of Moscow.

Evidence released Wednesday by House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer is raising similar questions about whether President Joe Biden was trying to pre-emptively deflect attention from his own problems retaining government documents when he sicced the FBI on Trump for similar issues at Mar-a-Lago in spring 2022.

Comer disclosed in a letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel that Congress has now confirmed that Biden’s aides knew as early as March 2021 that the current president had kept government documents at his insecure university think tank office in Washington D.C. They would later be determined to contain classified information.

A year later – with the public unaware of Biden’s document predicament – the Biden White House instructed the National Archives to give the FBI access to 15 boxes of government memos —some classified — that Trump had located in his Florida home, kicking a criminal probe of the 45th president into high gear.

“The White House and President Biden’s attorney have provided an incomplete and misleading series of events about his stash of classified documents. The real story starts in March 2021, a year and a half before Biden’s legal team said they discovered classified documents. It appears the White House knew there were Presidential Records Act violations long before they were acknowledged publicly,” Chairman Comer said in a statement to Just the News. “The American people need answers about what was known and when it was known about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. The House Oversight Committee will continue to pursue the facts and deliver the transparency and accountability that Americans demand.”

By Steven Richards

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