State Department official told Congress he raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine dealings in 2015 but was ignored

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Hunter Biden has no regrets in Ukraine dealings but does admit to poor judgement

Hunter biden, the son of 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden broke his silence before his father took to the debate stage in Ohio and be below is reaction and analysis on FOX’s ‘The Five.’

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent, a State Department official focused on Ukraine policy, told Congress this week he raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s role on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas firm in 2015. He said his concerns were rebuffed by former Vice President Joe Biden’s staff which said the office was preoccupied with Beau Biden’s cancer battle, Fox News has confirmed.

Kent testified behind closed doors before committees spearheading the formal House impeachment inquiry, and told congressional investigators that he had qualms about Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

The Washington Post first reported details of Kent’s testimony on Friday, which included his concerns that the younger Biden’s role in the company could complicate U.S. diplomatic efforts with Ukrainian officials, and raised the issue of a possible conflict of interest. Kent also testified that he was worried that Hunter Biden’s position would make Ukrainian officials think he was a channel of influence to his father, who was vice president at the time.

A congressional source confirmed to Fox News on Friday that Kent testified that when he brought his concerns to the office of the vice president in 2016, his staff “blew him off” and ignored the issue involving the younger Biden’s role at the firm. The Post first reported that the staff said they did not have the “bandwidth” to deal with the issue, as his other son, Beau Biden, was battling cancer. Beau Biden died in 2015.

Biden’s campaign responded to this story on Friday by ripping into President Trump. “Donald Trump’s unprecedently corrupt administration is melting down because of the scandal he touched-off by trying to get Ukraine to lie about Joe Biden–and as the vice president said yesterday, he should release his tax returns or shut up,” a Biden campaign spokesperson told Fox News. “On Joe Biden’s watch, the U.S. made eradicating corruption a centerpiece of our policies toward Ukraine including achieving the removal of an inept prosecutor who shielded wrongdoers from accountability.”

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