Elon Musk Says George Soros ‘Hates Humanity’ and Backs Policies That ‘Erode the Fabric of Civilization’

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Elon Musk has once again criticized billionaire activist George Soros, claiming he pushes leftist policies that ‘erode the fabric of civilization.’

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has renewed his criticism of left-wing financier-activist George Soros, claiming that the big-ticket donor of various left-leaning causes “fundamentally hates humanity” and is undermining civilization.

Mr. Musk made the remarks in an Oct. 31 episode of Joe Rogan’s popular podcast, in which the Tesla CEO unloaded on Mr. Soros and his history of donating money to the election campaigns of progressive district attorneys who would pursue policies that are soft on crime.

“He is, I believe, the top contributor to the Democratic party,” Mr. Musk told Mr. Rogan.

Mr. Soros was the largest individual donor in the 2022 elections, according to campaign finance data compiled by OpenSecrets. He made $178.8 million in federal contributions in the 2022 election cycle, all of it to Democrats.

“He’s doing things that erode the fabric of civilization,” Mr. Musk continued. “Getting DAs [district attorneys] elected who refuse to prosecute crime; that’s part of the problem in San Francisco, and L.A., and a bunch of other cities.”

“While I think San Francisco is a beautiful city and we should really fight hard to kind of right the ship of San Francisco. If you walk around downtown San Francisco, right near the X/Twitter headquarters, it’s a zombie apocalypse,” Mr. Musk said. “I mean, it’s rough.”

San Francisco has been plagued by unprecedented levels of crime, drug abuse, and homelessness.

The streets of downtown San Francisco paint a shocking picture of the fentanyl crisis, with ubiquitous drug use, while homeless encampments and vagrancy spread throughout the city.

Videos circulating on social media from San Francisco this summer show graphic scenes of addiction, including a pregnant woman with gashes and open wounds giving birth on the sidewalk while clutching a fentanyl pipe.

A number of companies, including Nordstrom, Whole Foods, and Saks Fifth Avenue have left the area amid unprecedented theft and property crime in what some describe as a retail apocalypse.

By Tom Ozimek

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