Trump Appears to Be Only Republican Who Can Beat Biden, Other Dems: Pollsters

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The former president’s poll performance serves as a “warning signal” to Democrat President Joe Biden, strategist says.

A new, large survey of would-be voters backs up a conclusion that pollster Rich Baris reached months ago: former President Donald Trump represents Republicans’ best bet for victory in the 2024 presidential election.

“There are few things we can be sure of at this point. But one of them is that Donald Trump is the only Republican candidate who can win the Electoral College,” Mr. Baris, director of Big Data Poll, told The Epoch Times on Nov. 14.

Mr. Baris bases his opinion on polling data that he and others compiled, coupled with voters’ statements and their patterns of behavior.

This week’s widely publicized findings of Stack Data Strategy further validates Mr. Baris’s assessment of the presidential race thus far.

Other GOP challengers and their supporters may beg to differ—and many people are skeptical of polls. The White House dismissed the significance of recent polling favoring President Trump over the incumbent, President Joe Biden.

But the Stack Data’s findings build on a growing body of evidence that bodes well for President Trump’s candidacy, Mr. Baris said.

Even Democrat strategists, such as former New York State senator David Carlucci, say it’s undeniable: Current messaging about President Biden needs an overhaul.

“I believe it’s a real red flag and a warning signal to Democrats,” Mr. Carlucci told The Epoch Times on Nov. 16, when asked about the findings of Stack Data and other pollsters.

“At the same time, it’s a blessing to see these numbers a year out,”  he said, while there’s still time for Democrats to change course.

Joe Bedell, head of North American operations for Stack Data, wrote on the company’s website: “Our research is the largest exercise of its kind so far this cycle and we can confidently say that, as things currently stand, if Donald Trump is selected as the Republican candidate, he is likely to win.”

From Oct. 12–Nov. 3, Stack Data interviewed some 15,000 U.S. respondents about their political views. That’s a much larger sample size than many pollsters use. Researchers fed that information into a “tried-and-tested” statistical model, which incorporates census data.

By Janice Hisle

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