Migrant crisis has US taxpayers on the hook for up to $451B, House GOP report says

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House Republicans released a report totaling the “historic” costs of the Biden administration’s border policies, saying US taxpayers could pay up to $451 billion.

Americans could pay up to $451 billion to care for migrants who entered the US illegally, but have been released into the country or escaped from custody, according to a new report due out Monday from House Republicans and obtained exclusively by The Post.

“Every day, millions of American taxpayer dollars are spent on costs directly associated with illegal immigration and the unprecedented crisis at the Southwest border sparked by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ policies,” the House Homeland Security Committee interim staff report states.

“Only a small fraction is ever recouped from the taxes paid by illegal aliens, with the rest falling on the shoulders of American citizens and lawful residents,” it adds.

Compiled from federal and state records, media reports and other public information, the 50-page document outlines the taxpayer costs incurred in medical care, housing, education and other welfare benefits for tens of millions of migrants — to say nothing of the additional costs for law enforcement.

“This report reveals in painstaking detail the dollar costs facing the American people every day that this chaos continues, both in small towns on the border and in big cities like New York,” Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) told The Post.

The bill for government care and housing could total as much as $451 billion per year nationwide for apprehended migrants and known “gotaways” who have entered the US since 2021, according to figures the House panel cites from the Center for Immigration Studies.

Between 16.8 million and 29 million illegal immigrants currently reside in the US, according to estimates the committee cites from the conservative Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and Yale University, 3.8 million of which have entered since President Biden took office in January 2021.

Mayorkas revealed during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing last month that more than 600,000 migrants have come into the country in fiscal year 2023 without being apprehended by border agents.

That’s in addition to another 900,000 who entered the US legally and applied for asylum before being released, according to US Customs and Border Protection data.

Biden, 80, asked Congress last month to pass $14 billion in additional border security funding to aid the processing of migrants, reimburse state and local governments and non-governmental organizations and provide other services.

By Josh Christenson

Read Full Article on NYPost.com

The Historic Dollar Costs Of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ Open-borders Policies – Phase 4 Interim Report – Committee On Homeland Security Majority Report


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