The Plot Against The President – Trump

Contact Your Elected Officials

“The Plot Against The President” is a truthful documentary which exposes the Deep State’s plan to bring down a duly elected President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump. Real Truth Real News has just released the video documentary on Rumble for free viewing but viewers are also encouraged to purchase it from Amazon on DVD. It was released on streaming pay-per-view in 2020. It runs about an hour and a half.

The Plot Against the President – Official Documentary (2020)

Investigative journalist Lee Smith’s “The Plot Against the President” tells yet another story the mainstream media has opted out of. This documentary follows Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) and how he worked to uncover the operation to bring down the Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump during his presidency. While the mainstream media worked overtime parroting the false narrative that Russia subverted America’s democratic processes during the 2016 elections, Nunes found the real damage wasn’t done by Moscow. Instead, he found a slow-moving coup engineered by a small group of the American elite, the “Deep State,” targeting not only President Trump, but also the rest of the country.

This outstanding and truthful documentary is directed by Amanda Milius and written by Lee Smith.

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This book and documentary is a well-documented piece of non-fiction. Journalist Smith takes readers on an interesting journey to the dark side of American politics as he reveals a diabolical plot that challenges the very foundations of our democracy. Smith’s work centers on Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes comes off as a true American hero in his relentless pursuit to uncover the truth behind the false Russian collusion conspiracy that plagued the Trump Administration for most of his term.

Smith offers us a comprehensive account of Nunes’ tireless efforts to uncover evidence of a vast conspiracy by members of the intelligence community. The Deep State globalists, including the Fourth Branch of government (FBI/DOJ/DHS/NSA/CIA), engaged in a conspiratorial plot against President Donald J. Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy in New York City. The media served the the Deep State carrying the scripted narrative to the public to undermine with hopes to ultimately overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. Smith draws on interviews, insider information, and leaked documents pieces together the puzzle exposing the players involved and their nefarious actions. Some of those interviews were done anonymously with blanked out faces and disguised voices as those coming forward to speak up feared retaliation.

“The Plot Against the President” exposes key individuals responsible for perpetuating the Russian collusion narrative while revealing the complicity of top-ranking officials within the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies. Smith exposes abuse of power, political biases, and calculated efforts to manipulate public opinion to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Smith delves into the role of the media in perpetuating the false Russian collusion narrative, highlighting their bias in reporting, use of anonymous fake sources, and deliberate omission of crucial facts to shape a false narrative that sought to delegitimize President Trump’s presidency. Smith follows the investigations of Nunes as he exposes collusion between journalists, national security officials, and political operatives, working a concerted effort to push a premeditated agenda.

“The Plot Against the President” is a real wake-up call to all Americans. It urges readers to question the credibility of America’s news media, the integrity of intelligence community, and the established order of politics. Smith’s work exposes corruption within the American political system. He raises serious questions about political abuse of power, corruption, and the need for accountability and consequences.

Some of the key takeaways from the book and documentary:

1. Smith shows how Rep. Nunes provides a comprehensive account of the efforts to undermine President Donald Trump’s candidacy and presidency. He documents how a coordinated effort was made by various individuals and institutions to delegitimize Trump’s presidency through made up false allegations of collusion with Russia.

2. Smith reveals the significant role the mainstream media played shaping public perception by a constant drumbeat of a false narrative of Russian collusion with President Donald Trump. He sheds light on the biased mockingbird reporting spreading unverified information that fueled the narrative against Trump while refusing to report on the Hillary Clinton campaign behind the Russian collusion plot.

3. Smith explores the abuse of power by intelligence agencies, particularly the FBI led by James Comey, in their investigation of President Trump. It highlights how certain FBI officials were biased and abused their office in their zeal to target President Trump and his associates such as General Michael Flynn.

“Comey admits to sending FBI agents to interview Flynn without telling White House”

4. Smith exposes the deep political divide and polarization within the United States due to the newly created “two-tier justice system”. Americans are angry and disgusted that those associated with former President Trump were falsely pursued and prosecuted while those involved with the Hillary Clinton campaign who actually committed crimes worse than Watergate of the Nixon campaign got off without consequences.

5. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is exposed as a liar as he repeatedly promised hard irrefutable evidence of Trump-Russian collusion and failed to produce anything whatsoever. Schiff worked to counter the truthful work of Rep. Nunes with lies. The news media reported Schiff’s words as the truth while Nunes was shunned with his actual truth.

Nunes and his family were personally pursued and attacked as the messenger bringing the message. Congressman Nunes resigned from Congress in 2022 to serve as chief executive officer of Trump’s social media venture, Truth Social.

See also:

Amazon faces backlash after removing ‘The Plot Against the President’ documentary

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses