Muckraker Catches Contractors Flying “Children” at 3:00 a.m.!

Contact Your Elected Officials

Muckrakers was a term given to investigative journalists in the era of the 1890’s through the 1920’s. They reported on corrupt political and business leaders as well as social injustices and problems of that time such as race relations. A website that brings alternative similar news today is found at  This website appears to be based in California and is founded and owned by a gentleman named Anthony Rubin who made an appearance on Fox News earlier this year.

“Biden’s border crisis: Shocking video of giant gaps in wall between US-Mexico reveals easy access for migrants” is a website which covers topics such as politics, culture, history, and current events from a conservative anti-establishment perspective. Its journalists feature interviews, field reports, special reports, and articles by various contributors who share their insights and opinions on various issues of current times. They appear to be at the forefront of reporting the open border crisis of America.

Rubin was also a featured guest on with host Mike Adams.

“Anthony Rubin from joins Mike Adams in the Brighteon studios to discuss the BORDER INVASION”

I was recently contacted by a source with a news tip. That source informed me the way the Democrats intend to attempt to steal the 2024 election is by processing young men with phony immigration papers as young children so they will turn 18 in 2024 and be granted asylum and citizenship to vote for the Democrat’s slate.  My source sent me a little known video filmed about one week ago by Anthony Rubin as a Muckraker Field Report. This is his video description:

“We confronted federal contractors escorting minors through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m. They tried to block our camera and told us ‘Welcome to America.’

A nearby border patrol agent smiled at us and said ‘It happens every day . . . it’s America.’

Every day, contractors escort infants, children, and minors from federal holding facilities to ‘sponsors’ across America.

Many of these sponsors are human traffickers. According to the New York Times, under the Biden administration, roughly one third of these children have gone missing. Many of these children end up in debt bondage, working in slave-like conditions in factories or on farms.”

“Welcome To America | CONTRACTORS CAUGHT MOVING MINORS AT 3 A.M. | Muckraker Field Report”

We found the above video on YouTube as well as some other platforms as well so it would be stupid for YouTube to remove it since the cat is kind of out of the bag now anyway.

Now where this news tip from my source gets most interesting is at one point one of these contractor underlings holds up the immigration form of one of these presumed “unaccompanied children” and you can make out part of his name and clearly see his picture. The name reads “Juan Omar M. M.” with the last two names illegible from the camera shot in the video. This is the government form seen in the video. His superior is heard to reprimand him saying, “Put that away!”

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
Division of Unaccompanied Children Operation (DUCO)
Verification of Release Form (VOR)

This is clearly problematic for Joe Biden and the Democrats as this is clearly a fraud perpetrated on the American public. These 3 young men are clearly not children of 17 or younger. As I have said in so many of my other news articles, “If we still had a functioning FBI…”. 

If we still had a functioning FBI they could track down these government contractors and track down Juan Omar to find out his true age and his real motivation for being here and falsifying his immigration papers which is a Federal Crime!

Congress is aware of this problem as is seen in a hearing of last May of 2023.

“Rep. Tom Tiffany Questions on Criminal Aliens Coming Into our Country to Harm Americans”

In this video this very telling exchange occurs between Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott (Trump and Biden administrations).

1:22:14  “Tiffany: I want to go back to you Mr. Scott. Um have you had a chance to see the grand jury presentment in Florida have you reviewed that?

Scott: I have not reviewed it.

1:22:22  Tiffany: In this entire… Do you know, um, would it surprise you, out of that presentment a 24 year old male was processed by the office of refugee resettlement and went on to violently kill his sponsor by stabbing him 50 times? Would it be surprising that that person came in as a minor but actually was a 24 year old male? Is that surprising to you?

Scott:  It is not surprising. I’m familiar with that case there’s no database that we can check people’s ages off of so you have to go with their word.

1:22:49  Tiffany: Would you be surprised out of that presentment that many don’t carry any form of identification or authentic IDs?

Scott: I’m not surprised usually they get rid of it before they cross the border.

1:23:01  Tiffany: Are you are you surprised that UAC’s, unaccompanied alien children, are not rapid DNA tested or biometric tested?

Scott: To be honest they’re not even fingerprinted and photographed in many occasions if they’re under 14 so, no.”

You can watch the entire 2 hour hearing on this link:

“The Biden Border Crisis: Part III” – House Judiciary Committee

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses