Ex-IRS Consultant Took Job With Intention of Stealing Trump’s Tax Returns: DOJ

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Littlejohn weaponized his access to IRS database for personal and political agenda, prosecutors say

The Department of Justice told a sentencing judge on Wednesday that a former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contractor took the job specifically to steal and leak President Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Washington resident Charles Littlejohn pleaded guilty in October last year to one count of unauthorized disclosure of tax returns and return information after he was accused of stealing and leaking data associated with President Trump and other wealthy individuals.

In a 15-page filing, prosecutors pushed for the maximum statutory sentence of five years in prison, arguing that Mr. Littlejohn’s betrayal of the public trust “merits significant punishment.”

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Mr. Littlejohn had access to “vast amounts of unmasked taxpayer data” when he worked for Booz Allen, a consulting firm working with public and private clients mostly on IRS contracts, between 2008 and 2013.

After President Trump took office in 2017, Mr. Littlejohn sought to return to work for Booz Allen “with the intention of accessing and disclosing” the tax returns of the president, whom he viewed as “dangerous and a threat to democracy,” according to prosecutors.

Mr. Littlejohn “weaponized his access to unmasked taxpayer data to further his own personal, political agenda, believing that he was above the law,” prosecutors said.

This went on for more than two years, with multiple news organizations receiving unlawfully leaked private tax returns and other private financial information.

Prosecutors did not name the news organizations that received the stolen tax returns in court records, but ProPublica and The New York Times published multiple articles reporting on the leaked documents.

“A free press and public engagement with the media are critical to any healthy democracy, but stealing and leaking private, personal tax information strips individuals of the legal protection of their most sensitive data,” prosecutors said in the filing.

“Everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law,” they continued.

By Caden Pearson

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