This report provides a blueprint for making it easy to vote and hard to cheat in all 50 states, says head of Honest Elections Project.
In a comprehensive analysis, a non-partisan organization that monitors election integrity has laid out more than a dozen “critical reforms” that they assert U.S. states must implement before the 2024 election to “secure voter integrity.”
Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project (HEP), offered a statement about the report (pdf), released on Jan. 26, saying, “The Safeguarding Our Elections report provides a wide array of policy recommendations that would help secure elections, boost voter confidence in election outcomes, and increase voter participation.
“As we head into a presidential election year, it is more important than ever to pass laws making it easy to vote and hard to cheat in all 50 states. This report provides a blueprint to do exactly that.”
With a demand for “honest rules for honest elections” and a list of fourteen key points that states should tackle, the report concludes that states should outlaw ranked choice voting, alleged monetary influence over the election, non-citizen voting, consolidating election dates, requiring voter ID, and safeguarding vulnerable mail ballots.
“Elections should be accountable to the public, not to special interest groups and liberal megadonors,” the report states. “In 2020, left-wing nonprofits pumped more than $400 million from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg into thousands of election offices, giving more money to places that ultimately voted for Joe Biden.
“Dozens of states have banned or restricted private election grants, but the same left-wing group behind ‘Zuck Bucks’ in 2020, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), has already created a new $80 million program, the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, to skirt these laws and influence election offices across America.”
Previously, HEP has spoken out against aggressively partisan nonprofit organizations, primarily left-wing groups, pushing money toward elections across the country. Recently, the group’s report called readers’ attention to what critics have called “ZuckBucks 2.0,” and how they believe it could impact the 2024 election.
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