Democrats Are NOT Taking Our Second Amendment!

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Progressive liberal socialist Democrats are putting their political futures in jeopardy, if not their actual lives. The reason why is they have taken an oath to their offices to uphold the Constitution, Bill of Rights as well as related laws of the United States. Then, once in office, they violate all of them. This is not only hypocritical but a violation of the oaths they swore to uphold.

One right that is currently under attack, and could well lead to an actual second civil war in this nation, is that of the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

First, there is the matter of keeping and bearing arms. Different Democrat run states have now taken it upon themselves to ban what is termed assault style weapons. Those states are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Washington. These AR-15 style weapons have been the most popular selling weapon since 2004 when a Federal ten year ban ended. Many of these state laws are being pursued through the justice system and will land in the Supreme Court of the United States (SOCTUS) in the end. What part of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” do they not understand?  

“Retired Police Officer Stuns Dems: ‘I Will NOT Comply’ With Gun Ban” – The Blaze

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) recently introduced a house bill 6981. Congress H.R. 6981 would impose a ban on private militias which is problematic as it falls so closely on the heels of so many states banning (or trying to ban) assault style weapons. This ban appears intended to disarm and divide Americans. While it is being marketed as something beneficial to stop terrorism, the underlying intent is more sinister. It is a further attack violating our Second Amendment and shows Jamie Raskin is unfit for office due to both his violation of oath of office and his ignorance of American history.

“Militia Ban Proposed in Congress” – Armed Attorneys

The communists have promised they will take over this country without firing a shot. Disarming Americans and dividing us from within are two necessary components to that promise being fulfilled. The illegal and fraudulent prosecutions of former President Donald J. Trump are proof of these enemies within working to divide our country.

Terms such as “two tier justice system” and “lawfare” are new to America and the more it is witnessed, the better a chance of violence. As our black brothers and sisters have taught us, “No justice, no peace!”

The fraudulent charges and trials brought against former President Trump was not the first instance of these major hypocrisies committed by our justice system either. The first came in the differences in treatment of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Ashli Babbitt in Washington D.C. Then there is the matter of how the protesters were treated after the Floyd death and the Babbitt death.

To any thinking American, it is almost like our leadership is working overtime to get us to turn on one another. Most of America is not racist so they are not falling for this charade. Instead, people of all colors want answers about this obvious hidden agenda as well as justice done after it is revealed.

We all are insulted being treated like idiots and pawns to a larger game of chess!


I love REAL American justice. I love guns. I love happy endings.

In 1999 I vacationed and toured Austria. I got to spend several days in the city of Graz where I toured the Graz Armory. In that museum we saw hundreds, if not thousands, of swords, spears, bows with arrows, and every other kind of medieval form of weaponry one can imagine.

I asked a woman guide there, “Who were the Austrians fighting back then?” She responded, “The Turks.” I said, a bit condused, “Turkey?!” A bit annoyed at my ignorance she said louder, “The MUSLIMS!” Austria is predominantly historically Catholic. The Turks would invade from the south and when they did so, church bells would ring bringing all the men into the city armory to be armed and meet their invaders to the south.

Our founding fathers were brilliant in so many ways. One way was they recognized this system of using a centrally located armory for self-defense was a liability in war. If the armory was breached, the people became instant subjects to the invading tyrants (if not corpses). What are founders proposed, instead, was to allow the private citizenry to arm themselves and, in times of conflict, have the local county sheriffs organize citizens into armed militias by county. In sports terms this is termed “a zoned defense”. Each county sheriff would dispatch their militia to points of entry at county lines where the county would be defended from invasion. So now you understand the opening line and intent of the Second Amendment! 

Militias with guns are not the only way to kill people or win a war though.

We are coming up on the 20th anniversary this year of Colorado’s Marvin Heemeyer and his “Killdozer”. Heemeyer, an Air Force veteran welder and Christian, never killed anybody but himself. The nickname “Killdozer” came from a prior Hollywood movie and not Heemeyer’s 2 hour rampage through the City of Gamby. Heemeyer was out to destroy the businesses of a “good ole boy” network within the city council who were out to destroy his business.

The great thing about Mr. Heemeyer is his name lives on as somebody who sought justice by others who are now named as having done him wrong. He could have killed a lot of people that day with his newly minted weapon but he didn’t.

“Tread” – YouTube Movies and TV

FULL MOVIE – The True Story of the KILLDOZER

I was a city alderman for 10 years in Illinois. I witnessed this good ole boy network in action and chose not to be a part of it. Today I am proud of that just as proud as I am of Marvin Heemeyer and his final farewell revenge tour of Gamby.

President Trump should have a killdozer because numerous “good ole boys” are knowingly doing him wrong!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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