Biden is THE Un-American Hypocrite!

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 Biden is THE Un-American Hypocrite!

If former President Donald Trump has any such personnel as “handlers” they were probably having coronary attacks when he was speaking at a rally in Conway, South Carolina recently. Trump recalled when he was president and told of an unidentified NATO member that he would withhold U.S. help and “encourage” Russia to do as it wishes with allies that do not contribute enough to military spending, roughly 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) annually. It was an old tale of Trump told before but this time the press and Democrats ran with it.

“‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’” Trump recounted. “‘No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’”

“Trump Was Right on NATO Spending, Rutte Says” – Bloomberg Television

Of course the news media and president Joe Biden jumped all over that with Biden calling Trump “un-American”, a moment of irony not lost to any thinking American.

Like so many politicians, sometimes they can be their own worst enemies… like the time Nikki Haley could not connect the dots of “slavery” with the “Civil War”. The issue with Trump in this instance though is he was not, and is not, wrong.

Trump is a businessman by nature. He knows the economy and knows money. He knows borrowing and risk as well as paying down debts in a timely fashion. He is a good manager of money but more importantly to the American public, he was a good steward of taxpayer dollars.

“What Trump Gets Right About Alliances: The president is correct to call the bluff of rich allies who free-ride on U.S. military might.” – Foreign Policy

For years the 29 NATO alliances of countries have taken advantage of America and her taxpayers. When Trump took office, he worked to stop that. Trump’s diplomacy produced the most significant shift in global burden sharing since the Cold War, with Canada and the European members of NATO spending approximately $130 billion more on their own defense in 2020 than they did in 2016. A majority of NATO nations still spend less than 2 percent of their gross domestic product than they have pledged to allocate but Trump’s achievement was significant.

To get an idea of where President Donald Trump and is “Art of the Deal” mentality was coming from then, as now, when President Trump was in office South Korea paid about $900 million in 2019, a figure that went up by 8 percent from 2018. But experts agreed that the annual cost to the U.S. taxpayer of the U.S. presence in South Korea was more like $2 billion.

The American taxpayers are sick of getting rear ended by deadbeats and slackers and these people come from around the world in all different races, nationalities, creeds, and religions so no, American taxpayers cannot correctly be called “racists” for resisting getting screwed.

The latest example of this is black people 3 or 4 generations removed from slavery looking to get paid “reparations” for the injustices, pain, and suffering of their long dead slave relatives. Socialist liberal Democrats are talking about putting the American taxpayers on the hook for TRILLIONS more dollars. I got two problems with this and my race is irrelevant to this argument;

First, it is “unearned income”, that is to say it is income you did not earn and therefor are not entitled to. To be blunt, YOU WERE NEVER A SLAVE!

Second, I once had a lady friend who worked for years seeking entrance to the very exclusive organization Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). After decades of research she determined the one great-great-uncle she had that would have been her ticket into the organization was dishonorably discharged from military service. She was never sure what he did wrong but she was sure her decades of genealogy research had come to an end. She was heartbroken! Proving this kind of specific ancestry is very difficult to prove and extremely time consuming.


President Joe Biden is the last person in this country that should ever accuse somebody else of being un-American, little alone former President Donald Trump. At best he is an incompetent senile old boob derelict in duty of our highest office and in violation of his oath of office. At worst he is a treasonous grifter who is guilty of selling out our country to the highest international bidders. The U.S. Senate is guilty of aiding and abetting him in a criminal act.

The two things that should frighten every American of this country (regardless of party) about Joe Biden are these:

1. Before he was president, serving as vice president, Biden took enormous amounts of money in the millions (if not over a billion) from China, Russia, and Ukraine, for goods and/or services that were indiscernible by way of some 20 LLC shell companies. The payments were so massive the Biden’s then distributed their newfound wealth among some 20 different family members. And through all of these financial transactions our DOJ, FBI, NSA, DHS, and CIA don’t even seem to be remotely curious as to what it was these 3 adversarial countries got for their money! Why?

2. Joe Biden has thrown open our borders seemingly at the behest of billionaire George Soros regardless of the fact this is a violation of his oath of office as well as what the majority of what Americans want. His concern for NATO borders before his own is indeed laughably hypocritical. Make no mistake, the majority of the people entering our country are not asylum seekers, they are invaders. The best of them are simply here looking for free handouts from the NGOs and the UN since they were going hungry in their own countries. The worst of them (the military age fighting men dominating the demographics of the border crossers) Americans are not even sure of their true intent. Americans are also not sure if Joe Biden and our 3-letter government agencies above are aware of their intent as well. Why are they coming here and how do people from overseas get to South and Central America?

That is truly scary and as if to drive the point home, we had the church shooting in Houston this past Sunday.

My advice to Joe Biden, if you want to see “un-American”, check out the guy in your mirror shaving tomorrow morning!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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