Mexican cartel massacres Mormon Families

U.S. Mormon children killed in Mexico by suspected drug cartel gunmen

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This video shows the wreckage of a burnt out vehicle that belonged to a Morman family who was murdered. A local activist and family member, Julian LeBaron, was quoted as describing the incident as a “massacre,” adding that some family members were burnt alive.

Mexican cartel massacre: Baby found unharmed in bullet-riddled vehicle; boy, 13, hid siblings in bushes

A quick-thinking 13-year-old boy hid his bleeding siblings in the bushes and a mother saved her 7-month-old baby before she was killed, according to a relative of those murdered in Mexico during the horrific cartel massacre of U.S. citizens Monday.

It took relatives hours to reach the ambush site in Sonora and, when they arrived, they found Faith in the bullet-riddled vehicle belonging to her 29-year-old mother, Christina Marie Langford Johnson, relative Kendra Lee Miller said in a lengthy Facebook post Tuesday morning.

“They found Christina’s baby Faith with the vehicle around her riddled with bullet holes,” she said in the post, which the New York Post first reported.

“Somehow she had remained untouched, and alive. She was in her car seat, which looked to have been hurriedly placed on the floor of the vehicle by her mother for protection.”

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