When the News Media Becomes the News

Contact Your Elected Officials

Back in 2010 the president of the Society of Professional Journalists reminded membership of an old adage in the world of journalism, “SPJ cautions journalists: Report the story, don’t become part of it”. I am not sure how many journalists belong to this professional organization even though it only costs about $80 a year or $1,000 for life but then again, I am not sure how many journalists these days act as “professionals”.

After all, some of the most respected and honest journalists are no longer a part of mainstream news journalism as they were prematurely let go:

Many believe the reason these authentic journalists are no longer part of the mainstream media news is because they did not follow the narrative or agenda being pushed by corporate because of the 15 or more billionaires who own America’s news media companies.

  • Sheldon Adelson – The Las Vegas Review-Journal
  • Barbey family – Village Voice
  • Jeff Bezos – The Washington Post
  • Michael Bloomberg – LP and Bloomberg Media
  • Warren Buffett – regional daily papers
  • Cox Family – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
  • Carlos Slim Helu – The New York Times
  • John Henry – The Boston Globe
  • Stanley Hubbard – Hubbard Broadcasting
  • Joe Mansueto – Inc. and Fast Company magazines
  • Rupert Murdoch – News Corp
  • Donald and Samuel “Si” Newhouse –  Advance Publications
  • Patrick Soon-Shiong – Tribune Publishing Co.
  • Viktor Vekselberg – Gawker
  • Mortimer Zuckerman – US News & World Report, New York Daily News

Several other billionaires worth mention include; Liberty Media Chairman John Malone, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts and George Soros (about to buy Audacy radio stations interest ) may own or control powerful networks not primarily news focused.

Sharyl Attkisson dropped another one of her outstanding documentary news pieces recently where she researches whether the news media’s reporting differences between Donald Trump and Joe Biden are a series of innocent mistakes or part of a willful hidden agenda. This short video is very telling!

“We’re now moving into the most heated phase of the 2024 presidential campaign. Few things are as important to the two top candidates, Biden and Trump, as getting positive coverage in the news. Donald Trump had a decided disadvantage in 2016 and 2020 when it comes to the traditional press and social media. Here at Full Measure, we’ve documented the media’s uniquely harsh treatment of Trump since he first declared his run for the White House, including an explosion in the trend of false reporting by formerly well-respected national news outlets. We’ve also been tracking media mistakes under the Biden presidency to see if he’d fall victim to the same syndrome. In other words, is the media making an unprecedented number of sloppy but innocent errors, or is their behavior part of a calculated strategy? Today’s cover story: what the record shows.”

“Full Measure: February 25, 2024 – Media Miss”

What is revealed by Attkisson is the media is engaging in a campaign of willful and intentional lies and she does an outstanding job of exposing them as they do so. This 24 minute video is well worth the time to watch.

Other lesser content creators are now also finding the mainstream news media easy targets to mock and trash and making us laugh:

“When The ENTIRE Media Realizes You’ve Just Became The NEXT President Of The United States…”

Sivaady is an Arizona content creator. He wants to help everyone laugh while enlightening them through hard times. He appears to be a Hispanic American with a bright future as he does something similar to Attkisson above in more recent news about former President Donald Trump. He has about 85,000 followers and one would expect that number to grow soon. This 4 minute trial is well worth the watch.

These two videos are not the only ones worth a watch though as Trish Regan recently also weighed in:

“CATFIGHT! MSNBC Hosts Attack FOX and Newsmax Anchors as Biden Team Scolds Media for Inquiry Coverage”


These days it is not good enough having a political leader get a journalist fired for refusing to tow their narrative. No, under Joe Biden’s administration they can get persecuted and prosecuted.

Persecution Example

“Tucker drops BOMBSHELL about his Putin interview, NSA is PISSED | Redacted with Clayton Morris”

Prosecution Example

“FBI ARRESTS BlazeTV Reporter Steve Baker who EXPOSED Jan 6 LIES”

Journalist Lara Logan recently appeared to testify in a hearing on Capitol Hill where she laid out the simple truth of what is going on these days in the world of journalism.

Lara Logan outs Corporate Media-Government Collusion: Media Censorship and the First Amendment: A threat to Freedom and the Republic

It is called “trash news” in some parts of the world and “fake news” in America, in large part thanks to former President Donald J. Trump who made the term popular.

As a warning to everyone who works in the fantasyland called Washington, D.C., you mess with the people’s amendment rights, you are playing with fire and you will get burned!

I say this not as a threat but as a prediction as our leaders in D.C. are now plotting on how they can manipulate the news found on the Internet.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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