Ashley Biden’s Diary Should Destroy Joe Biden

Contact Your Elected Officials

The Ashley Biden diary is in the news again and seems to be taken more seriously this time around. Just as son Hunter Biden had a laptop he left behind with incriminating evidence to keep his father out of our highest office, so too, did daughter Ashley Biden leave behind a bombshell diary to deny her father the presidency.

Apparently, Ashley did a stint in a drug rehab facility before being transitioned to a halfway house in Palm Beach used for recovering addicts. She then moved back to Philadelphia in June, 2020, (apparently) forgetting a personal diary she left in the home.

Thereafter a single mother of two, Aimee Harris, also from rehab, moved in weeks later. She found the Biden diary under the bed mattress.  Harris allegedly attempted to hawk the diary at a Republican fundraising event and sold it for $40,000 to the right wing news organization Project Veritas.

Project Veritas (PV) and owner James O’Keefe did the right things thereafter but that did not stop the FBI from raiding them months later.  First, PV tried to collaborate it was indeed the diary of Ashley Biden.  Second, they contacted the FBI to inform them of what they had discovered.  Third, they opted to not do the story as it would be too hurtful to Ashley. 

A period of time lapsed before the FBI showed any interest in the diary when they showed up with search warrants and raided the home of PV owner O’Keefe who had wanted to do the right things all along.  The raid and warrant were improper, if not illegal, as O’Keefe offered to give the diary to them in the first place.

This begs the question; Who is in charge of investigating the FBI?

June 16, 2022, “The Daily Mail” revealed the FBI had Aimee Harris under investigation for her sale of the diary to PV. She allegedly collected $20,000 up front of the 40,000 she was supposed to collect.

So why was the FBI so hypersensitive about Joe Biden’s daughter’s personal diary all of a sudden?

The apparent answer is the diary reveals a darker side to Joe Biden as a father.

Ashley’s explosive diary’s contents include showering with her father, then-Senator Joe Biden, as a teen girl which may have contributed to her later sex addiction. Here are a few samples with context from “The Daily Mail”.

“I have always been boy crazy,” she wrote. “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).”

The Most Newsworthy Part of Ashley Biden’s Diary, with Ryan Grim and Joel Pollak

“I relapsed. F***ing again,” she wrote on March 16. “The difference this time around was that I told Elizabeth, Mom + Dad this morning. Mom + Dad worried but incredibly supportive. I am so lucky to have them on my side.”

“My dad cried on the phone saying he has the debate in a week + ‘now has to worry about you.’” she wrote in a July 27 (2020) entry.

“And he cried. Maybe he knows what he is doing + it’s worked but my feelings of guilt often are overwhelming.”

She added that her finances were “down to the wire” and under a list headed with the word “Resentful” she wrote “Dad – $, control”. Under a second list titled “Hurt”, she wrote “Dad – hurting self, lying”.

Ashley was also having trouble with monogamy in marriage.  According to her diary entries, she was having sex with men other than her husband.

“Here I am talking about another man when I am married! It all feels strange,” she wrote in February 2019.

“Started hanging out with a new guy… It’s been refreshing to be able to kiss another man.”

This month Aimee Harris pled guilty to stealing Ashley Biden’s diary and was sent to prison. Harris was sentenced by Judge Laura Taylor Swain in Manhattan to a month in prison and three months of home confinement for stealing the diary belonging to the president’s daughter and selling it to the conservative news outlet Project Veritas.

But did she, really? Is finding something the same thing as stealing it?

So the cycle of the mainstream news media was to first deny the authenticity of this diary to protect Joe Biden. Then they ignored the story of the illegal search and seizure of fellow journalist James O’Keefe properties by the FBI to recover it. And now the mainstream media is reporting on the existence of the diary by covering the prosecution of the woman who had it while still denying the authenticity of it as belonging to Ashley Biden.

How truly ludicrous is that, right?!

For example, in this Newsweek article of this month they report, “The diary’s contents are controversial and remain unconfirmed.”

 “Ashley Biden’s Diary—Everything We Know– Newsweek April 11, 2024

No, Newsweek, that is not everything we know! Project Veritas made Ashely Biden confirm the diary was hers before returning it to her 8 months ago. Again, they were doing the right thing.


“Ashley Biden Confirms Famed Diary Is Hers & The Full Story Behind FBI Raids On American Journalists” – Project Veritas


As a parent, grandparent, and teacher of 40 years, I have to wonder if Hunter leaving his laptop behind at the computer repair store and Ashley leaving her diary behind in a halfway house maybe isn’t just a subconscious cry for help?

When it comes to our youth, I will always be on their side and opposed to those who want to take advantage of them.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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