Biden Spokesman Calls for Further Censorship of Trump and His Supporters

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A Biden campaign staffer called for further censorship online, claiming Facebook is “shredding the fabric of our democracy” in the days after the election.

Bill Russo, deputy communications director for the Biden campaign, criticized Facebook’s handling of misinformation and calls for violence in a series of Monday tweets.

“If you thought disinformation on Facebook was a problem during our election, just wait until you see how it is shredding the fabric of our democracy in the days after,” Russo tweeted.

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He first pointed to a video from Steve Bannon where he called for the heads of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci and FBI director Christopher Wray.

“I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats,” Bannon said, according to Business Insider.

Bannon was banned from Twitter, but Russo said it took too long for Facebook to take action and Bannon’s Facebook page is still live.

By Erin Coates

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