30 Things to Know About Kamala Harris, New Democrat Frontrunner

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Vice President Kamala Harris is shoring up support for her bid for the White House, which will be determined in just more than 100 days.

With President Joe Biden’s tectonic announcement that he will not run for reelection, Vice President Kamala Harris appears on the path to clinch the nomination. She has quickly secured endorsements from President Biden and many key Democrats.

If she is formally nominated at the Democratic National Convention next month, she will face former President Donald Trump in November in the race to the White House.

Here are 30 things to know about Ms. Harris:

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1. She’s 59 Years Old

Ms. Harris was born Oct. 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, and is currently 59 years old.

2. Her Father Is Black and Her Mother Was Indian

Ms. Harris’s father is Donald Harris, a black man of Jamaican descent, and her mother was Shymala Gopalan, now deceased, who was an immigrant from India.

She has a younger sister, Maya, who serves as her close adviser.

Her parents were both academics, which caused the young family to move around often. Her father is an economist who teaches at Stanford University, while her late mother was a biologist.

Mrs. Gopalan was a breast cancer scientist and pioneer in her field. She came to the United States from India at age 19 and earned her doctorate around the time Ms. Harris was born.

Ms. Harris’s mother had a significant influence on her while growing up. She once remarked, “My mother would look at me and she’d say, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last.’”

3. Her Parents Divorced When She Was 7

Ms. Harris’s parents divorced when she was age 7.

She discussed her parents’ divorce in her memoir, “The Truths We Hold.”

“In time, things got harder. They stopped being kind to each other. I knew they loved each other very much, but it seemed they’d become like oil and water,” Ms. Harris wrote. “By the time I was 5 years old, the bond between them had given way under the weight of incompatibility.”

By Jackson Richman, Joseph Lord

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