Democrats Are Starting a War They Will Lose

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People with brains in their heads recognized the gravity of the Trump assassination attempt of July 13th. A conspiracy of people yet unidentified sought to murder 45th former President Donald J. Trump who is in the running to be our 47th president as well. And if you think about the end goal of those who want to keep Trump out of office critically, they were also after a secondary divide and conquer role to ban assault weapons. What they envisioned happening on live broadcasts all over the world was President Trump’s head exploding with the impact of a bullet from a high power assault style rifle known as an AR-15.

Instead, they got this with Trump coming through only grazed with a flesh wound.

This was a miracle of God! As if the shock and miracle that occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania that Saturday wasn’t enough for sensory overload, some liberals took to the internet to express how they were sorry the bullet missed. This reaction outraged real Americans and they began to come out to the public in multiple methods.

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

“To The People Who Still Want Trump Dead” – Heavy Duty Country

But, unexpectedly it brought people out of the wings one would not expect to surface in the way they are, people like blacks and bikers.

“Black Man Said ‘The Hood Will Protect You’…Trump Needs To Hire This Man!” – CBOW & SNAPPA

“1000’s of Bikers Help Protect President Donald Trump!!” – Demons Row

Of course many other groups such as military veterans and retired law enforcement are ready to join the cause to make sure President Trump remains vertical which was expected. One can imagine firefighters will now be looking to back Trump just as union labor and teamsters have in the recent past.

Something less expected is how Trump supporters, themselves, are now entering the mix.

The fact of the matter is, the liberals started this. They call it “doxing” or “trolling” as part of “cancel culture” and this counter response was to be expected. Something they started is now coming back to be used against them. “Doxing” is the process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent.

Home Depot Cashier Fired Over Facebook Comment About Trump Shooting – Newsweek

It is important to understand not too many years ago a person who publically wrote or said, “To bad they weren’t a better shot!!!!!” about an attempted assassination of our president would have had a visit by two people from the Secret Service or FBI to their house. But that is not happening anymore due the fact that people from both the left and the right are posting against the two people they absolutely hate, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, so often these 2 offices can no longer keep up! Also, there is a difference between a veiled threat and an actual threat.


Democrats are strategic but they are also very stupid. They use women posers as professional liars figuring everybody knows “You don’t hit a woman.” We have seen this with the use of prosecutors Fani Willis and Letitia James and now are seeing another example in Kamala Harris

“‘I know Trump’s type’: Kamala Harris tells rally of prosecuting predators and fraudsters” – The Guardian

Most Americans see the fraudulent prosecution of President Donald Trump for what it is and most Americans are seething with anger over it. Put simply, you don’t run a partisan campaign in a blue district, city, state that is so partisan you get elected on the promise you are going to get an innocent red political rival locked up! That is un-American and that is not the American way or who we are. That is socialist Marxism and practicing it in America can put your life in peril.

For the slower liberals who may ever come to read this, this was concocting a crime to frame a victim of abuse by litigation and that is exactly what has occurred with Donald J. Trump now 4 or 5 times over, mostly in the single state of New York which he helped build. That is absolutely disgusting!

And for the liberals who are very slow, every court proceeding conducted against this man denied him his constitutional right to due process which makes him less of a “convicted felon” than you are a “perfect idiot”. Every case will get overturn in appeals.

Keep in mind, just recently Joe Biden promised to take down the political rhetoric after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Then yesterday Vice President Kamala Harris said this at her first political rally running to be president:

“I took on perpetrators of all kinds, predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type. In this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week.”

So of course Meghan Kelly took to her podcast to immediately “slut shame” Kamala Harris.

“Truth About Willie Brown and Kamala Harris, and How She Got Her Political Start, w/ Charlie Spiering” – Megyn Kelly

The socialists on the left would be well advised to stop the lying and keep Donald Trump’s name out of their mouths. You are no match for what the right can bring to you. Donald Trump’s motto is “Make America Great Again” while Kamala Harris’ motto is “It’s not what you know but who you blow!”

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses