Decisive (but targeted, non-ubiquitous) election fraud occurred on November 3. What follows is an explanation and the evidence behind it.
- Starting in 1997, Smartmatic systems were developed in Venezuela with built-in functionality permitting precinct administrators to override security features it appeared to incorporate. Among the extraordinary privileges it gave administrators were abilities:
- to shave votes continuously from one candidate to another;
- to batch ballots for later “adjudication” but which instead became a pool of votes that the administrator could simply assign to the candidate of choice;
- to generate blank ballots.
- Through a series of licensing agreements, bankruptcies, and corporate mergers and acquisitions, that code ended up in various US election systems (e.g., Dominion, ES&S) which (branding aside) still derive from Smartmatic (a.k.a. Sequoia). Thus, they brought to US elections not only the generous functionalities permitting manipulation by administrators, but porous security, extending such powers to those abroad.[i]
- Since 2006 the fact that systems developed for Hugo Chavez were managing any US elections began striking some prescient Americans as unfortunate.[ii] Their trepidation was well-placed: on November 3, 2020 those systems were used strategically & aggressively to rig our election.
- It was strategic in that it was not “widespread” but targeted at six locations[iii] which, if flipped, also would flip the swing states in which they are found (and thus, the electoral college);
- It was aggressive for the simple reason that Trump broke their algorithm, because he was on his way to a win that exceeded their ability to overcome through minor cheats alone. It is for that reason that in those six locations the bad guys went full-on-goon (e.g., thugs intimidating observers, newspapers taped over windows, “water main breaks” shutting down counting then immediately reopened once Republican observers had departed, etc.)
- Three forms of evidence[iv] backing these claims dovetail perfectly;
- Documentation of extraordinary privileges Dominion provides administrators;
- Affidavits describing voters’ and workers’ experiences that match exactly what they would experience in precincts being gooned by the measures I describe;[v]
- Data (such as that below)[vi] expressing outrageous statistical oddities (e.g., strings of thousands of sequential Biden votes that occur with quadrillion-to-1 improbability, ballot processing velocity spikes that were physically impossible given available site equipment) that coincide with windows of intense intimidation of and interference with those observing the voting and counting.
- In each of several swing states Biden achieved a come-from-behind victory with a margin in the tens-of-thousands of votes thanks to getting hundreds of thousands of votes through these measures.
Conclusion: Election 2020 is an egg that can’t be unscrambled.