The Biden-Harris Border Crisis: Victim Perspectives: April Aguirre Testimony

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April Aguirre, Crime Victims’ Advocate Testimony

As the daughter of immigrant parents, I am ashamed of what the Biden Harris administration has done to our country

Our country was built by strong proud immigrants that abandoned their homeland for the hopes of a better future for them and their children. Immigrants risked it at all to be a part of the American dream. Coming into this country used to be a privilege awarded to hard-working people of all education levels that wanted to come to this country and build alongside with Americans as one. That is the type of immigrants is the immigrants they want us to believe are entering our country.

Unvetted migration is not only dangerous but it’s criminal. The people that are paying the price for these radical policies are the most vulnerable members of our community. The Biden / Harris administration betrayed us by not keeping our communities safe from harm. They gambled with public safety at the expense of American citizens. Of those many families paid the ultimate price.

Today that American dream has turned into a nightmare for United States citizens and immigrants alike. These monsters that we are allowing into our country have no intention of ever going to an asylum hearing. These monsters blend in with other migrants and only a dive into their past truly shows who they really are.

However, conducting background checks does not get done well into asylum hearings begin. The other issue primarily with people from Venezuela is there is no cooperation in regard to being able to conduct a background checks. Meaning if they ever make it before a judge, they basically have nothing to go on to determine their past good or bad. This leaves Americans completely vulnerable to predators. However many immigrants knowing they have questionable pasts don’t ever show up to their scheduled hearings. Instead some opt to quickly remove their ankle monitors once they enter the country.

For migrants like my parents, the reputation we are gaining is troubling due to these criminals crossing the border who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I have personally worked three cases in the last year involving illegal immigrants who preyed on vulnerable girls. 16 year old Lizbeth Medina, 11 year old Maria Gonzalez and 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray. All of these little girls died at the hands of illegal immigrants. The reason they were chosen is simple they were young beautiful and vulnerable targets. I often lose sleep thinking about their final moments on this planet. After living a childhood filled with American values, a structured education system, and an overall sense of safety only to perish in such a violent way. To die at the hands of people our government allowed into our country without thinking of the wellbeing of its citizens. I could not imagine the thoughts during their violent deaths. These three little girls were all violently raped, tortured, and ultimately killed.

To you all, three little girls passing away may not be many. But what if one of those little girls was your daughter, your granddaughter, your niece. Can you imagine them trying to fight a grown man off of them, the shock of being undressed, the pain of being beaten and smothered? Trying to fight for your life while a predators one objective is to use them to satisfy their sick and demented appetites? Our girls deserve protection, our girls deserve to live their life without fear. Our girls deserved to perish in a natural manner. Close your eyes, picture a little girl in your family being violated, picture her clothes being ripped off picture her trying to get away and fight crying screaming for help. This is not a scary movie this is not a myth this is happening.

Unless you have parents from these countries or families that still live there, most American politicians are unaware that in Mexico and south American countries are a place where sexual predators thrive. Finding a dead girl who was sexually assaulted is common, even more common are abducted girls whose bodies are never found. Predators thrive in these countries so when they come here and commit such heinous acts I want you to know it is NOT their first time.

The Biden and Harris administration has blood on their hands. We must put the wellbeing of American citizens first. No, not everyone should be allowed entrance into our wonderful country. The process of allowing immigrants into our country should be meticulous to ensure that we are not allowing sexual predators, murderers or those who wish harm to America into our country. As an American with Mexican parentsy family and I alongside thousands are an example of the positive effects of immigration done right. This is not the way.

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