Op-Ed: 3 Vital Things About Kyle Rittenhouse That Most People Don’t Know

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The Western Journal

If am amazed at how many of my fellow Wisconsinites do not know the actual facts of the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings or only know the false narrative the dishonest media has painted for them to believe.

Most have never watched the actual video footage showing Kyle being pursued by violent men while he was retreating to avoid confrontation.

Most believe the early narrative of the media that he was a white supremacist – which is a lie, and therefore they believe he killed two black people and wounded a third. They are astounded when they are informed that he actually shot two white people and wounded a third.

Most do not know that Kyle was in Kenosha that day cleaning graffiti from vandalized buildings.

Most do not know that he had training in first-responder medical care and was out the night of the shootings with a medical pack on his person to help anyone who might need medical attention.

Most do not know he was there — as were scores of other armed citizens — to protect businesses from being destroyed due to the neglect and malfeasance of state and city officials that had given political license to leftists and lawless men to destroy Kenosha.

Most do not know that he did not flee from justice, but rather immediately tried to report to the police there on the streets of Kenosha just minutes after the shootings, but was told by the police to move on. He then reported to the police in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois, 20 miles away.

And all their ignorance of these facts — and so many others I have not mentioned — is by design.

Hence, to my fellow Wisconsinites, ignorance of the facts is by design.

Kyle Rittenhouse showed incredible coolness and restraint in the midst of a terrifying situation. He should be honored by government officials, but instead, he has been treated as a criminal.

They have charged him with six crimes, including first-degree homicide, and had him under $2 million bail.

The video footage shows clearly that Kyle acted in defense of his life.

The Scriptures are clear that God has given us life (Genesis 2:9) and that we have a duty to defend it (Exodus 22:2-3).

The Scriptures are clear God has given us the right and duty to defend our own lives and the lives of others (Nehemiah 4:11-15).

Wisconsin Statute 939.48 plainly affirms this God-given right and duty of self-defense and the defense of others.

The U.S. Supreme Court in the District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) case declared that the right to self-defense and defense of others has been a right of Americans – upheld by American jurisprudence – since the nation’s founding.

We now have government trying to take these rights from men and make men dependent upon the state for such matters. This is a great evil that must be opposed.

By Matt Trewhalla

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