Kamala Harris, Border Czar Fubar

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Kamala Harris does not do things accidentally wrong. She does things intentionally wrong. A case in point is our southern open border. Even after the American public indicated they did not want our borders left open as Biden and Harris have done, and this is often their #1 concern in polls, these two have ignored the will of the American people to suit their own ends.

This past week I wrote an article titled Great Replacement Theory is No Conspiracy whereby I noted that the explosion of immigration through our southern border is not done by incompetence but by design.

In that article I defined the Biden-Harris administration’s CHNV (Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, & Venezuela) immigration program. Also this past week an X (formerly twitter) user account that goes by the name “datahazard @fentasyl” began posting some most interesting information about what vice president Kamala Harris has been up to behind our backs and against the will of the American people.

“The Kamala-Mayorkas border team began ramping up their Airplanes of Haitians (Jan 2023) right at the same time they were pushing to end the Title 42 Expulsion authority (ultimately revoked in May 2023).

She swapped Expelling them from the country to flying them in. First Class.

For those who don’t know, CHNV includes Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, & Venezuela.

CHNV “Inadmissible” Aliens—who don’t qualify as legal immigrants—get to instead fly direct into the interior of the USA under this novel Biden-Harris Human Importation program.

This program, in its current form, is stretched far beyond any authorizing legislation fig leaf.

It was never voted on in Congress. Nor was it disclosed in the original Biden-Harris campaign / platform.

It was and still is a genuine threat to democracy.”

The Democrats and Harris are proud to label former President Donald Trump as a “convicted felon” but in truth he is actually a “falsely accused convicted felon”. There is a big difference between made up criminal charges and lies and actual laws broken with criminals at-large.

The “datahazard” account posted yesterday how Harris and Mayorkis have committed a criminal act.

“Encouraging illegal immigration is a RICO predicate offense.”

Datahazard then goes on to quote a portion of a page from the Center for Immigration Studies (https://cis.org/Report/RICO-New-Tool-Immigration-Law-Enforcement).

“In 1996, Congress expanded the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to include violations of federal immigration law.1 While this expansion may not have received much publicity, it could potentially change the face of U.S. immigration law enforcement. Under the new RICO provisions, a violation of certain provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) meets the definition of racketeering activity, also known as a ‘predicate offense,’2 and an entity that engages in a pattern of racketeering activity for financial gain can be held both criminally and civilly liable.3 Among other things, the INA makes it unlawful to encourage illegal immigration or employ illegal aliens,4 which violations were included as predicate offenses under RICO.”

Yesterday, datahazard dropped a new graph of “Inadmissible” Aliens.

When asked who an “inadmissible alien” is, Google AI extracted the following explanation from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

An inadmissible alien is someone who is not permitted by law to enter or remain in the United States. Grounds for inadmissibility include:

  • Immigration violations: Including overstaying a visa, entering without inspection, or working without authorization
  • Criminal activity: Including convictions for crimes involving moral turpitude, drug offenses, or attempts to commit crimes
  • Health: Including physical or mental disorders that may pose a threat to others
  • National security: Including association with terrorist organizations or participation in acts of torture or extrajudicial killings
  • Fraud: Including misrepresenting oneself as a U.S. citizen or seeking admission through fraud or misrepresentation
  • Document fraud: Including civil penalties for document fraud
  • Student visa abuse: Including being outside the United States for less than five years after abusing a student visa

President Trump often references the immigration chart that saved his life the day of his first assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“Trump credits immigration chart with saving his life at rally shooting” – ABC News

The two charts from datahazard herein are even more damning to the Democrats, particularly presidential candidate Kamala Harris.


You got some lefty partisan people in the media these days who are out and out liars. Different groups have taken on President Trump and datahazard saying their charts are “misleading” or “inaccurate” or “without sources” but all the facts and figures come from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) office of the Federal Government so…

“Math doesn’t lie. Our emotions do.” ― Claudia Gray, A Million Worlds with You

And for those who do not already know, the term FUBAR (Fucked/Fouled Up Beyond All/Any Repair/Recognition/Reason) is a military term my children brought home to me from the Navy.

Finally, I spent a significant amount of time trying to determine who the man or woman is behind the screen name “datahazard @fentasyl” without luck.

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