Take Action: The U.N. Is Not A World Government – Keep It That Way!

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Within days, global elitists will try to put world government on steroids. The perpetrators don’t want us to know it, but that’s the purpose of the upcoming “Summit of the Future” and the accord it is supposed to adopt, dubbed the “Pact for the Future.”

Rather than openly doing so by voting to revise the United Nations Charter, the idea is to launch a “process” to be conducted largely behind closed doors. The UN’s Secretary-General and former president of the Socialist International, Antonio Guterres, however, has let slip that process’ goal – namely, granting him authority unilaterally to declare and dictate the responses to emergencies caused by any of a number of so-called “complex global shocks.”

According to Policy Brief #2 which Guterres issued back in March 2023 to inform the Summit of the Future, he proposes “the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.” (Emphasis in the original.)

This document offers illustrative examples of such shocks that, taken together, would give him authority over virtually every aspect of civilized life, including:

a) Large-scale climatic or environmental events that cause major socioeconomic disruptions and/or environmental degradation;
b) Future pandemics with cascading secondary impacts;
c) High-impact events involving a biological agent (deliberate or accidental);
d) Events leading to disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance;
e) Large-scale destructive and/or disruptive activity in cyberspace or disruptions to global digital connectivity;
f) A major event in outer space that causes severe disruptions to one or several critical systems on Earth; and
g) Unforeseen risks (“black swan” events).

In other words, if the so-called “emergency platform” Guterres seeks is adopted at the Summit of the Future – or even just a “process” designed to give him such dictatorial powers, the UN will be, to use Barack Obama’s revolutionary phrase, “fundamentally transformed.” In fact, it would cease to be the organization we helped found in 1948 to facilitate voluntary collaborations among sovereign nations. It would, instead, amount to an institution of world government that crushes sovereignty and, in our case, constitutionally guaranteed liberties and governance of, by and for the people.

As the Biden administration supports this stealthy power grab by Secretary-General Guterres, it falls to your representatives in Congress to ensure that our form of government remains limited, representative and accountable. Tell them to ensure that, before any UN “pact” or other agreement becomes binding on the United States of America, it must be presented in the form of a treaty to the Senate requiring its approval by a two-thirds majority.


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