In 2024, Ban Democrats, Not Your Way of Life!

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Yesterday I wrote a long researched article explaining how man-made climate change is a provable hoax and cited the most logical culprit of recent climate changes is due to the world’s magnetic poles shifting.

“Hoax Exposed! Climate Change is Caused by Magnetic Pole Shifts”

Today I want to review things the Biden and Harris Democrats have wanted to ban related to both “climate-change” and a “health emergency”. The left will try to defend Biden and Harris saying something like, “Well, their intentions were good.”

But their intentions are not good. The reason why their intentions are not good is they are illogical and what they are doing will lead to chaos. What they are doing will lead to the downfall of our society. And it is all because of the public being lulled into compliance like the proverbial frog in the pot of water coming to a boil with our pot of water being us trying to save the planet from man-made climate change.

What is most disturbing to thinking individuals is; this is not about a sincere concern about climate change or health emergencies, this is about following a hidden agenda to topple our Democratic Constitutional Republic to usher in a new form of governance.   


Let’s take the first example of a screw up by the Biden-Harris Administration. The push to have electric vehicles (EVs) on the public as soon as they took office and how this was corrupt from the start in 2021.

“Tesla Snubbed at White House EV Announcement + EV Tax Credit Update” – Tesla Daily

For Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to snub Elon Mush, arguably the father of the modern day electric vehicles, was not just insulting and odd but stupid. So, of course when you have low IQ individuals (Biden and Harris) who fail to associate with someone who is high IQ (Elon Musk) you can bet things are going to go south in a hurry in their quest to move America to electric vehicles from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) with a goal to ban them by 2030.

  • In the first place, the electric grid could not physically handle this change now or even 6 years from now. EV’s were around 2% of the market when Biden/Harris took office. Today that number is up to 7%. California has had more blackouts and brownouts because of this increase.
  • In the second place, you want to ban the sources that generate most of our electricity today. Natural gas generates some 43% of all of the electricity in the US with coal another 16%. That means the majority of our electricity (60%) comes from fossil fuels.
  • In the third place, every time Democrats in government get involved in things they should not be, you get a cluster f*ck, such as paying $7.5b taxpayer dollars to build 500,000 EV charging stations and only getting 8 built 3 years later!
  • In the fourth place, about 30% of Americans suffered buyer’s remorse after buying their first EV and wanted their ICEV back vowing to never own another EV again!

$7.5 Billion in Government Cash Only Built 8 E.V. Chargers in 2.5 Years” – Reason


Biden and Harris also decided to come after American’s gas appliances such as stoves, furnaces, clothes dryers, water heaters, etc.

Heritage Action Slams Biden-Harris Administration’s Appliance Crackdown” – Heritage Foundation

Biden and Harris have already been talking about banning our HVAC air conditioning units and there is talk around the Capitol they intend to come after our refrigerators soon as well.

 “Biden Is Coming for Your Air Conditioner” – Wall Street Journal

Oh, and did you hear the one about woodstoves? Yeah, Biden and Harris are coming after those as well.

“200 Ways President Biden and the Democrats Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas” – American Energy Alliance

It is almost like these Democrats want us to all just starve and freeze to death!


Biden and Harris have wanted to ban both assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons. Since these are now widely owned and popular firearms of choice with many Americans, this is clearly a Constitutional Second Amendment violation that could lead to a civil war.

“Resurfaced Video Of Kamala Harris Saying We’re Going To Walk Into Your Home & Check Your Guns” – Colion Noir

Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming spoons and forks for obesity. People are the problem in all crimes, not the weapons used during the crime. The reason why it is so important to try to take mass shooters alive is to be able to get inside their heads as to their motive later. We don’t need to know about their weapons of choice be they guns, cars, bombs, machetes… we need to know what led them to do it in the first place.

I just want to remind those taking the time to read this of the old adage that is also a truism, “At not time in history have the people confiscating guns been the ‘good guys’!”


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been an epic failure in many aspects of their leadership but none more so than screwing with our way of life to appease the Green New Deal cult and UN Project 2030!

The American Energy Alliance summed up their actions of the last 4 years well when they said:

“The finalized and proposed standards will increase the demand for electricity and with it the cost of electricity to consumers. Residential electricity prices have increased 21 percent since Biden took office as his climate agenda is attempting to replace coal and natural gas generators with mostly intermittent and unreliable wind and solar power. While the displacement has retired a large number of coal plants and some gas plants, the share of coal and gas power to the total has only declined by a single percentage point since Biden took office as the capacity factors of wind and solar power are much lower than fossil fuel plants. But it has affected the reliability of the power grid, with little new firm capacity that can reliably meet new demand, as Senator Joe Manchin points out below.”

And, just so you know, unless they get kicked out of Washington, they are not done yet!

5 insane Biden-Harris appliance regulations heading your way” – Fox News

To ban things that are widely used and proven to work well, while offering no logical alternatives knowing your decisions and related Federal laws will cost American lives, is nothing short of treason!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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