Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years!

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

Tina Peters was a wife, a mother, a businesswoman, a cancer survivor, and, perhaps most importantly, a Gold Star mother who lost a Navy SEAL son. In her later years she became the Colorado Mesa County Clerk as a Republican.

The mockingbird mainstream media now tags Peters as a “Trump associate”, “election denier”, “election interferer”, and now (thanks to a Democrat activist judge) “a criminal”.

What Peters is actually an American hero of our time. What she did is she exposed exactly how electronic voting machines were used to steal the 2020 General Election from Donald Trump.

What the mainstream media are “liars” for at least, or “Nazi style propagandists”, at most, is as follows: How can Tina Peters be an “election interferer” when we are talking about her discovery of compromised voting data AFTER AN ELECTION!?

Here is what she did as part of her job as one of 3,243 county clerks in America.

“BOMBSHELL: Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters Provides Evidence of Machine-Based Vote Manipulation” – Let’s Fix Stuff

Patrick Colbeck, a journalist for Let’s Fix Stuff, wrote this about meeting Tina Peters the first time:

“I first met Tina Peters at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium in August 2021. At the symposium, I learned that she had taken an image of her Dominion Voting System Democracy Suite v5.11-CO Election Management System before (May 23, 2021) and after (May 26, 2021) Dominion personnel came in to ‘service’ her equipment. Frankly, this is the ONLY way any clerk could reasonably discern whether or not digital election fraud occurred on their watch.”

Colbeck concludes his very well written article, with complete documentation, saying:

“The information provided as a results of the data obtained by Mesa County, CO Clerk Tina Peters provides grounds for the decertification of both the 2020 General Election in Mesa County and the 2021 Municipal Election in Grand Junction, CO.

The anomalies observed in Mesa County, CO were similar to those observed elsewhere in the country during the 2020 general election and others. What is unique about Mesa County, CO is that Tina Peters was courageous enough to stand up to significant intimidation from federal authorities and the CO Secretary of State to perform her statutory duties regarding the preservation of the integrity of election records.

Tina Peters is a hero.”

Yesterday a very partisan Democrat activist judge sentenced Tina Peters to 9 years in prison on 9 bogus charges after an insulting admonishment of name calling most of which included the word “liar”. Judge Matthew Barrett is a District Court Judge of the 21st district and a regular donor to “ActBlue”.

Yesterday Judge Matthew Barrett exposed himself as another lawfare goon in the war of socialist Democrats against patriotic Republicans. 

Barrett has made himself a criminal in this proceeding guilty of judicial malpractice. He could also be charged with election interference in an effort to intimidate County Clerks for rightly doing their jobs just before the 2024 General Election.

How Clerks Can Secure Electronic Election Records” – Let’s Fix Stuff

Had Barrett been doing his job, Tina Peters should have had the charges against her immediately dropped and been identified as a “Federal whistleblower” and afforded all the benefits and protections of same. Why?

She was the first person to expose the 2020 General Election was indeed stolen and offer irrefutable hard evidence for same in the form of computer data taken from a Dominion server both before and after a supposed “software update”. In doing her job as County Clerk she inadvertently discovered:

  • She proved the electronic voting machine companies lied when they said their machines could not be accessed remotely from outside ballot processing centers.
  • She also proved the electronic voting machine companies violated both Federal and State laws requiring the preservation of election data to allow future audits.


There is so much gaslighting by the mainstream media and the socialist Democrat shills in internet platforms these days it is almost impossible to get the truth on the Tina Peters saga. The internet search algorithms make it impossible to get to the information I am offering to you here today. It is so bad I am rapidly getting to the point of using Elon Musk’s “X” platform over Internet search engines. That’s cool though, the search engines are destroying their own market value in their bias!

Mike Lindell, the MyPillow CEO, funded an outstanding documentary a few years back that only takes an hour to watch and explains the plight of Tina Peters very well. Some of it is in her own words. The reason why this documentary is so good is because it involves the truth of what really happened.

“(S)Election Code Full Movie” – The Moment of Truth

If you would like to make donations to the defense of Tina Peters, please go to her website here:

It is very important for Americans reading this to understand the Constitutional powers of County officials in government. Two of the most important individuals in every county are the County Sheriff and the County Clerk. The County Sheriff has the Constitutional authority to organize a militia to prevent a Federal overreach gun grab. The County Clerk has the Constitutional authority to stop election theft.

There are reasons why today’s socialist Democrats hate our Constitution so much and the above would be two of them!  

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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