APA, ADA Double Down on Water Fluoridation Pseudoscience, Defy Federal Court Ruling

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“Trust the experts” … to cling bitterly to their Malthusian dogmas even in the face of overwhelming empirical data to the contrary and unambiguous rulings from the sacrosanct “institutions” they otherwise cite as unquestionable authorities.

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Via Children’s Health Defense (emphasis added):

The Association of American Pediatricians (AAP), the American Dental Association (ADA) and other pro-fluoridation groups rushed to confirm their staunch support for community water fluoridation after a California federal judge last month ruled that fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children.

U.S. District Judge Edward Chen also ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) needs to enact a regulation that will eliminate the risk…

The ADA said it “remains staunchly in support of community water fluoridation at optimal levels to help prevent tooth decay.” It said the court ruling, “provides no scientific basis for the ADA to change its endorsement of community water fluoridation as safe and beneficial to oral health.”…

The decision didn’t sway the AAP“There is nothing about the current decision that changes my confidence in the safety of optimally fluoridated water in the U.S.,” said Dr. Charlotte W. Lewis, a member of the AAP Section on Oral Health.

“Oral health should not be a luxury; it’s essential,” ADA President Linda J. Edgar said in a statement. “Optimally fluoridated water is accessible to communities regardless of socioeconomic status, education or other social variables.”*

*In other words: “shut your filthy mouth, racist! We fluoridate the water because we love the baby POCs and want them to be happy! [picks up phone] DHS? Yes, hi, Linda Edgar here, ADA President. Listen, I have a domestic terrorist here hatecriming minority children. Send backup.”

In related developments, Children’s Health Defense also reports that Cochrane Review has just run a comprehensive meta-analysis of the purported benefits of water fluoridation for children’s dental health.

It concluded that, at best, all deleterious effects and costs and ethical violations of informed consent to the side, the practice maybe reduces dental issues in kids by a grand total of by “one-quarter of one tooth.”

Related: Report: The Science™ Hid Data That Fluoride Lowers IQ

Via Cochrane Review (emphasis added):

Contemporary studies indicate that initiation of [community water fluoridation] CWF may lead to a slightly greater reduction in [decayed, missing or filled teeth] dmft and may lead to a slightly greater increase in the proportion of caries‐free children, but with smaller effect sizes than pre‐1975 studiesThere is insufficient evidence to determine the effect of cessation of CWF on caries and whether water fluoridation results in a change in disparities in caries according to socioeconomic status. We found no eligible studies that report caries outcomes in adults.

The implementation or cessation of CWF requires careful consideration of this current evidence, in the broader context of a population’s oral health, diet and consumption of tap water, movement or migration, and the availability and uptake of other caries‐prevention strategies. Acceptability, cost‐effectiveness and feasibility of the implementation and monitoring of a CWF programme should also be taken into account.

In layman’s terms — not a ringing endorsement.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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