Christians Must Vote for Trump

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

I attend a megachurch in a very blue city of a very blue state. Last week the pastor decided to do a teaching on politics in this election cycle. The pastor wisely did not say to vote red of blue as that could put the entire church’s tax exempt status at risk. He advocated that we need to remember that in the end God and Jesus Christ are in charge and we should love each other no matter the outcome of the election.

The problem is this evades the question completely of right verses wrong.

Intelligent people should realize that both sides are slinging political mud at each other but the bottom line is former President Donald Trump had an outstanding record of accomplishment from 2017 to 2020 while president Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris have done more harm than good from 2021 to 2024. Nobody can argue this point. Those who bring up abortion as a major issue are blowing smoke because abortion does not impact Americans like open borders, inflation, crime, and unconstitutional mandates relative to vaccines and climate change do.

One recent social media post really drove home the point on the failed leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration:

“It is hard to imagine somebody could have done this much damage to a country in just 4 years without doing so intentionally.”

The search engine algorithms will not let me find the man who said this now but I would love to find him to give him credit and offer to buy him a drink.

The worst part is all Biden and Harris had to do when they took office was leave things as President Trump had them and most of the bad things that subsequently happened would not have happened. The old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” applied well here. The first two mistakes they made were to open our borders and promise free cash to their “newcomers” (aka illegal aliens) and stop much of our domestic oil production causing us to seek oil from other countries.

Kamala Harris slept her way up the political ladder with a married man in California from San Francisco District Attorney to California Attorney General. That is adultery to Christians. Oddly, today, nobody can find a case she tried in those positions. Now former President Donald Trump is openly mocking her for claiming she once worked at a McDonald’s restaurant when the restaurant chain archives in Chicago finds no record of her employment with them. Trump concludes, “How pathetic do you have to be to lie about working at McDonald’s?”

Yesterday at a rally Trump said he now wants to work for 10 minutes at McDonald’s making French fries because that will be ten minutes more than Kamala ever worked there.

Harris sins far worse than Biden hugging” – Gaston Gazette

Pastor Corey Brooks is a black pastor on the south side of Chicago. He is affectionately known as “the Rooftop Pastor” for living on the rooftop of an apartment building in a tent for over a year to raise millions of dollars for his “Project H.O.O.D.” ( He is one of the true American heroes of our time for what he is doing to provide futures to inner city youth of Chicago.

This Trump supporting pastor is living the old adage, “If you give a hungry man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” In other words, Pastor Corey is not looking for handouts for his people but for people to offer his people a hand up so that they can help themselves in the future.

“Pastor Corey Brooks discusses support for former President Trump” – CBS Chicago

When you do a deep dive as to why Pastor Brooks is no longer for Democrats, he correctly points out their party wants to make us dependent on them for our very wellbeing and not self-sufficient.


The Democrats are destroying the rule of law. They have caused people to call into question the integrity of many of the government’s agencies. The American public no longer trusts these offices. They are willfully creating chaos and anarchy.

Recently we saw FEMA and State Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg interfere with rescue and recovery efforts in western North Carolina. Buttigieg ordered the grounding of private drones while FEMA tried to stop civilian aid from reaching those in need. From the videos I have seen on the Internet, it seems like local Christian churches are doing more to help western North Carolina than FEMA is.

And for unknown reasons private helicopter pilots were threatened with arrest for coming to the aid of those in need in western North Carolina…

“SC pilot’s rescue mission thwarted due to arrest threat” –Queen City News

but that did not stop this Blackhawk from arriving to trash an emergency aid station.

“Helicopter Destroys Aid Station in North Carolina”

This episode made me recall what my late father would say about Biden and Harris, were he alive today, “That Biden and Harris could screw up a two car funeral!”

The four worst sins Biden and Harris have committed are these:

  • They are no longer following the desires and will of the majority of Americans (they have gone rogue) they were elected to serve.
  • They have violated their oaths of offices as president and vice president.  
  • They are trying to outnumber the makers of this country with takers from this country.
  • The lawfare they have engaged in with President Trump is a violation of 9th Commandment of God, “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

If a person does not keep their word, or gets caught lying on multiple occasions, that person should be censored and discarded from the public square. They have lost credibility.

It is about time we call out Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for what they are, liars. They are not somewhat well intentioned innocent peddlers of misinformation, or flip-floppers or good people making innocent mistakes. They are outright liars on a mission. Immediately they can be identified as fascists or tyrants. Another 4 years with Harris in office and we will find out either socialists or communists.

“Laura: Here are Kamala Harris’ ‘5 biggest lies’” – Fox News

God hates lying, it is contrary to His nature and God forbids His children to lie. The Old Law said, “You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another” (Leviticus 19:11).

Harris is a wicked woman.

Just today a news release came by her campaign, “Vice President Kamala Harris’ doctor says she is in ‘excellent health’ and ‘possesses the physical and mental resiliency’ required to serve as president.” How about a lie detector test during, and a breathalyzer test after, a public appearance where she has bashed President Trump and engaged in nonsensical word salads? Those 2 tests should disqualify her from the presidency.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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