Democrats are making race an issue

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If the civil rights movement in the 1960s was meant to remove the purposeful differentiation between white and black people, then why are Kamala Harris and her campaign staff intentionally differentiating American citizens based on their color?

The Democrat’s party platform specifically says, “Democrats believe in bringing the American people together, not stoking division and distrust.”


In an embarrassing new low, the Harris team sent out former President Barack Obama to meet with a group of black men to help save the failing Democrat campaign.

Obama blamed them – “brothers” – for being part of the reason Harris might lose. He told them they are probably worried because she is a woman.

Obama said the lack of enthusiasm for Harris “seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” who he said may not be getting behind the idea of a female president.

“And you are thinking about sitting out?” he said. “Part of it makes me think – and I’m speaking to men directly – part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

Is he serious?

How shameful. How low. How evil.

The Black Men for Trump advisory board accused the former president of “reducing us to race-based voting blocs,” which “perpetuates the worst kind of identity politics.”

Obama, a man who is as shallow as they come, meeting with men based on their color to tell them to vote based on identity politics rather than policy and substance?

As a former president, Obama could be spending time with American intellectuals, teachers, movers and shakers, at one of his several mansions.

Instead, he mingles in the elitist, shallow, leftist Hollywood class of people who generally care about nothing more than themselves.

A man is judged by who he surrounds himself with.

Obama is a man with no class or sophistication and wants nothing more than to act the idol his shallow friends and followers think he is.

So why would the Harris campaign march him out front and center? Is Tim Walz not good enough? Clearly not, especially with his one flub after another.

Perhaps there is some messaging here and a red flag.

If the contender for vice president is not good enough to be marched out to voters, then what is he doing there in the first place? Perhaps Harris chose him for the same reason she was chosen by President Joe Biden in 2020 – not a threat and ultimately useless.

The Harris campaign continues to carry the false progressive claim that racial minorities face systemic inequalities.

They claim racism is rampant in areas like criminal justice, housing, education, and healthcare.

While it is no doubt true that there are racists in America and many of them act on their prejudices, it is also true that racism is not systemic. Every public system in America includes both white and black employees with equal pay and benefits.

For the Harris campaign to play on Democrat’s fears that systemic racism actually exists is nothing less than a slap in the face and an insult to the intelligence of the American electorate.

If that is the case, how did Obama become president – the highest office in America – and how is Harris a candidate for the presidency? This would not happen in a country with systemic racism, would it?

This point seems lost on progressives.

And the polls show interesting data on this.

According to the Pew Research Center, “83% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say white people benefit a great deal or a fair amount from advantages not available to black people, while only 16% see little or no such advantages.

“About eight-in-ten or more black, white and Hispanic Democrats say that whites benefit a great deal or a fair amount from advantages that black people do not have. However, black Democrats are substantially more likely than others to say that whites benefit “a great deal” from these advantages (70% say this, compared with 40% of white Democrats and 47% of Hispanic Democrats).”

By contrast, Pew notes that “About seven-in-ten Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (71%) say white people get few or no advantages in society that black people do not have.”

It is natural for this divide in opinion to exist. That is not troubling.

What is troubling is the fact that Harris, along with Obama and their teams, are working hard to divide the nation down the racial line, claiming race is a bigger issue than it actually is.

Instead of uniting the country and finding solutions to whatever race issues exist, Harris is doing nothing but dividing the nation by making race an issue.

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