Instances of Proven Election Fraud in Georgia Already!

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When Georgia was on day four of early voting, with 17 more days to go, before Election Day a significant instance of election fraud was discovered. Once again it appears the globalist elites in cahoots with the socialist Democrats of this country have shown they will do ANYTHING to stop the Trump/Vance ticket to artificially install the Harris/Walz ticket.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) confirmed there is an issue in her district (14th) of Georgia with the machines flipping votes from Trump to Harris.

The machines in question are said to be Dominion brand voting machines. Many are saying this looks like an exact replay of what happened in the 2020 General Election in Georgia and other swing states around the nation.

The story that has come out with witnesses is a Georgia voter chose Trump on a BMD (ballot marking device) and when their printed ballot came out of the table top printer (before it was scanned to actually cast the ballot in the tabulator), the text showed they selected Harris.

After several attempts to fix the vote, officials finally had to void out the first ballot, use another machine, and start over. They were able to successfully select Trump and it correctly showed on the printed ballot text. The ballot was then cast by scanning the printed ballot in the tabulator at the polling place location.

Voters across Georgia are now being warned to double check their printed ballot receipt before it is scanned into the tabulator to make sure the correct selections are shown in the text on the printed ballot, which is seen below a QR code that is also printed on the ballot receipt.

However, some skeptics are now asking what difference does it make what the printed text on the ballot reads when the tabulator is only reading the QR code and not the text on the printed ballot receipt?

Voters make their selections on a BMD (ballot marking device aka touch screen tablet) after which a printed receipt of their ballot is printed out on a table top printer. Each printed ballot receipt shows a QR code on top and below it are their selections in text. If the voter agrees with the printed receipt, their printed ballot is then scanned into the Polling Place Scanner (aka tabulator) where the QR code is read and tallies in the machine and the process is complete.

So the people calling into question this Dominion voting machine practice note; A Polling Place Scanner only scans the QR code, which is NOT readable by the voter. The QR code also cannot be read by any other device other than the Polling Place Scanner. It’s NOT like the QR codes scanned by our phones in our everyday lives. Bottom line, it DOES NOT MATTER what the text on the printed ballot states because the machine is not reading that, it is ONLY reading the QR code!

Skeptics ask; How does a voter know that the text they indicate they want to vote for Trump/Vance is not overridden by a QR code stating they want to vote for Harriz/Walz? There is literally NO WAY for anyone to verify what the QR code will be read as in the tabulator.

As Georgia voter Kylie Jane Kremer noted, “This is beyond disturbing as Governor Kemp, SOS Raffensperger, AG Chris Carr, and the Georgia State Legislature had four years to secure our elections after all of the issues that happened with Dominion in 2020 and they chose NOT to do a damn thing.

I have been sounding the alarm bells that although Trump is overwhelmingly winning in the State of Georgia, nothing of substance has been done on election integrity, so we are being set up for a repeat of 2020 for a stolen election.”


There is now so much evidence of election fraud in the State of Georgia. A simple search in “X” (formerly Twitter) using the search string “Georgia election fraud” turns up so many interesting posts with pictures and videos offering proof of election theft.

We are just including one in this conclusion because the poster noted what he is trying to get out to the world should be front page news in every news publication. What is exposed is that only 2 physical street addresses were used to cast over 9,000 votes in the 2020 General Election in Georgia falsely installing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into our two highest offices.

Make no mistake this is no small matter of “election theft”. This is a matter of the theft of a nation from the will of the majority of its population.

It is time for civil disobedience at the least and violence at the most. Americans have a civic duty to both stop crimes as they happen and save their country from being covertly overthrown.

If I were a county sheriff in any district where a voting machine switched somebody’s vote, I would confiscate that machine as evidence of a crime.

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