RNC Sues Michigan for Illegal Voters

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

The Democrats of Michigan are helping to prove to Republicans the 2020 General Election was stolen in their state and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were never the legitimate president and vice president of these United States.

Q: How are they proving it?

A: They have more registered voters in 2024 than eligible voters in their state!

Michigan is being sued by the Republican Party for inflated voter rolls. Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson (D) has fought tooth and nail to keep dead voters on the Michigan voting rolls. Now, 76 out of 83 counties in Michigan have around 300,000 voters who shouldn’t be listed as registered voters. However, some experts say that number is far higher.

Michigan voter rolls inflated by 500K. State says it’s no issue. GOP disagrees” – Bridge Michigan

Michigan currently has 8.4 million registered voters, according to the latest records obtained by Bridge Michigan new source, and that number is nearly 500,000 more than the number of people in the state who are old enough to vote.

Another factoid discovered is Michigan has 103% of their population registered to vote when all the other Great Lakes are closer to 80% which is closer to normal. Also, some 11 counties of Michigan had 12 people registered to vote for every 10 eligible voters meaning those counties were up to 120%.  An RNC analysis found 76 of Michigan’s 83 counties have inflated voter rolls.


In 2020 some 5.5 million votes were cast in Michigan and Joe Biden took the presidency there by less than 200,000 votes.  Several day before the November 3, 2020 General Election the mainstream news media was already warning the public that the results would take days.

Michigan 2020 election results could take multiple days. That means the system’s working.” – Detroit Free Press

The purpose of this presser was to give the Democrats time to cheat to steal the election from President Donald Trump. How can we surmise this? Because this kind of a delay never happened before and there is no way the news media would know this was going to happen in advance unless it was part of a plan.

And, in the event people think this is all part of a crazy conspiracy theory; For the 2024 General Election the following states have already announced voter results could be delayed:

  • Arizona
  • Georgia
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • Wisconsin

Notice anything funny about this list? This is the same list of “swing states” (aka criminal Democrat states) that had issues in the last election!

Roadmap to the Official Count in the 2024 Election” – Brennen Center for Justice

So it looks like there is no way we’ll know who won the election on November 5th. It looks like there will be plenty of time for hanky-panky unless the RNC stops it this time.

“News outlets called Michigan for Biden when state website had Trump leading. Here’s why.” – 13 ABC

So when you have Attorney Generals in states that are partisan hacks for the Democrat Party, what do you do?

You abuse that office and walk all over the Constitution of the United States and State of Michigan you swore to uphold when you took office.

AG Nessel Files Brief to Dismiss Frivolous Election Lawsuit Targeting Military and Overseas Voters

What Democrat women like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson fail to understand is when they disenfranchise American voters from the election process, they are playing with fire. And just because they are women, they will not get a free pass when trouble comes. American’s votes are sacred to them. The peaceful transition of power is only assured when elections have integrity and everything is proven to be on the up-and-up.

You ladies are actually proving to America your state is criminally engaged in a crime and your vote totals are not to be trusted in 2024.

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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