Americans are not stupid and they are getting very angry with the tone deaf globalist Democrats and leftist’s hypocrisy playing stupid as they do so. Take for example the topic of “manmade climate change” which used to be called “global warming” until science revealed the earth is actually cooling whereby they had to rename their charade.
Don’t you think if manmade climate change is really all that important an issue we should maybe stop the government sponsored chemtrails in the sky whereby silver nitrate and dry ice is being dumped into the atmosphere to try to control our weather?!
I reported this previously but am taking the story further since it is so obvious Congress and the White House is so intentionally neglecting the people impacted by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina.
“Was Hurricane Helene Both Geoengineered and Steered?”
One way the second Trump Administration can “Make America Great Again” is by outlawing any forms of “Geoengineering” over the United States. I have had people inform me that not only does cloud seeding from aircraft using silver nitrate and dry ice impact hurricane formation and propagation but a number of other chemicals are being dumped into our atmospheric skies as well.
Back in 2012 the European Parliament questioned whether chemtrails are harmful to one’s health in this passage.
“According to an Italian blogger, from 1996 until now, there has been an increase in chemical trails, also known as chemtrails, which many people know nothing about. These trails, unlike condensation trails, do not dissipate quickly into the atmosphere. In addition, there is proof which confirms the presence of there being harmful chemical elements in the trails. Some researchers have studied the composition and effects of this phenomenon, which may to us seem harmless and commonplace. According to these experts, chemical trails are the result of experimental operations which have manifold purposes. The main objectives, albeit unproven, range from the meteorological to the military. The analyses carried out have verified the presence of the following elements in the chemtrails: barium, aluminum, radioactive thorium and cesium, copper, titanium, silicon, lithium, cobalt, lead, ethylene dibromide and several pathogenic agents.”
This was an important passage as whoever this blogger was, he or she seemed to have inside information as to what chemicals are being dumped into our skies from miles on high. The only question left is, “Why and what is the intended outcome?”
So the first crime committed against the residents of Asheville, North Carolina was nameless and faceless people playing God with our weather system. Since my first report immediately after Helene I have learned that normally when a hurricane makes landfall, the eye disappears. This time the eye was clearly visible on Doppler radar all the way up into North Carolina well after landfall. Also, normally a hurricane loses strength after landfall. Helene seemed to grow stronger!
The second crime is how the Joe Biden Administration has not only refused to aid the people affected by Helene but just recently announced he is giving a billion dollars to those suffering similarly in Africa. This is not just outrageous, this is treasonous!
“Biden pledges $1B in aid to Africa as North Carolina residents continue to struggle after Helene” – Fox News
And in the event you think calling out president Joe Biden and his followers guilty of treason is too harsh, you really need to watch this video below. In this video Dr. Eric Berg interviews Bill St. Pierre who has been going down to Asheville with many others to donate their time, money, and resources to rebuild and repair homes down in that part of the United States.
“DEVASTATING” – Dr. Eric Berg DC
St. Pierre reports that while FEMA and the Red Cross are down their providing some aid, they presence is scarce and the amount of money offered to homeowners maxes out at $30,000 which is not enough to replace entire homes worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Too many times it seems like those good Samaritans looking to render aid to our fellow Americans in North Carolina have had governmental agencies controlled by D.C. actually run interference with them. Again, “WHY?!”
We still have people down in North Carolina suffering as a result of what now clearly appears to be a man-made engineered disaster that should be criminally investigated. It has been over 2 months now.
We have Americans among us who are both self-serving and ignorant. Some of them are thinking to themselves, “Well what happened in North Carolina doesn’t impact me so I just don’t care. Sucks to be them.”
The problem is that kind of nearsighted vision of the world readily can, and will, come back to bite them in the butt.
“The Next Economic Crisis That No One Is Talking About” – Azul
The important point that financial advisor Azul Wells makes in this podcast of his is the insurance companies exist when they only pay out claims on usual and predictable occurrences. He quotes a passage from an article in Fortune magazine by Spencer Glendon and Barney Schauble that explains homeowner’s insurance pretty succinctly.
“If hazards stop being predictable, and/or produce damages that aren’t easily reparable (or suggest that a building should not be rebuilt in that location), the existing market structures of both property insurance and property more broadly won’t work.”
This year my homeowner’s and automotive insurance went up suddenly and terribly. I contacted my agent to complain and threaten I was going to look for a new carrier. She informed me that all the insurance is going up all over due to an unusually high amount of weather related claims (Helene) as well as automotive claims (illegal aliens driving without insurance). She apologized and did get me some money off when she had me submit documentation I had a home security system she didn’t know about.
The bottom line is if we have people screwing with our weather (and I believe we do) to either create the illusion of climate change or to topple our insurance industry, they need to be stopped immediately and held criminally culpable.
Write to your Congressmen/women as well as President Trump to tell them “No More GeoEngineering or Solar Radiation Management!”
Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau