Friends, freedom lovers, and truth seekers—I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my YouTube channel, Roadmap to Freedom!
The Roadmap to Freedom Project YouTube channel is a platform dedicated to exploring ideas that challenge the status quo, diving into the principles of liberty, and sharing insights on how we can reclaim our personal and political freedoms.
Expect in-depth discussions, thought-provoking commentary, and the kind of straight talk that you’ve come to know me for. Whether you’re passionate about individual rights, curious about alternative political paths, or just seeking a fresh perspective on today’s challenges, The Roadmap to Freedom Project channel is for you.
Leon A. Weinstein
Science of Freedom Foundation, Inc.
Why the Free Enterprise Institute and The Roadmap to Freedom Project
At the end of the XX century, a new branch of science was created. In 1961, astrophysicist Andrew Galambos organized the Los Angeles Free Enterprise Institute and began to teach his “Theory of Property”. The goal was to create a real science (like physics or geometry) that would do to the social branch of knowledge what Isaak Newton did to physical sciences – integrate and put on a solid basis of semantic precision. The new knowledge was tested by scientific method and culminated in a course of lectures by Jay Snelson, head lecturer at the Institute.
It’s time to start implementing staggering revelations and innovations the creators of the theory prepared for us to use. The Roadmap to Freedom Project is an attempt to present Volitional Science entertainingly and with lots of stories and historical anecdotes.
We call the society that the Free Enterprise Institute envisions the Golden Rule Society, after the famous quote from Rav Hilel “Do not do to others what is hateful to you.”
The Roadmap to Freedom Project
The Roadmap to Freedom Project is a series of 9-minute videos presenting an alternative way of building a just and prosperous society, based on the Volitional Science developed by an astrophysicist Andrew Iosif Galambos, and introduced in the Free Enterprise Institute of Los Angeles in 1961 in the form of lectures developed by illustrious Jay Snelson.