Few people spend more time pointing fingers and avoiding blame than politicians. As the adage about finger pointing goes, when a politician points a finger at you, three of those fingers are pointing back in their direction.
Waiting for politicians to admit responsibility for failure or defeat are cases where we shouldn’t hold our collective breath. Unwillingness to accept the consequences of failed ideas and policies crosses party lines and is the only truly bi-partisan political activity in Washington DC.
Finger-pointing is bad enough, but when confronted with their lies they respond by exercising their figurative middle finger, waving it directly at the American people as if to say, “what are you going to do about it?”
As an example, for four years people with eyes and an IQ above room temperature could see Biden wasn’t all there. He stammered, routinely fell upstairs, and seemed confused by any question other than what kind of ice cream he wanted.
Instead of admitting the obvious, Democrats and their minions in the press told us our eyes were lying to us. They blamed the “MAGA right” for the stories about Biden’s failing health and described videos showing his decline as “cheap fakes”. The rhetorical one finger salute was given to us when they claimed he was not only fit for the job, but that he could do it for four more years!
Whether it be the border or inflation it was never the fault of the ruling party, but rather, and here’s that ubiquitous middle digit again, the fault of Donald Trump.
Fortunately for the country, the American people did what progressive and ruling elites thought impossible, they elected Donald Trump again. They did so because the aggregate weight of lies and untruths was impossible to ignore. The economy was bad and the border a chaotic mess no matter what Democrats and the legacy press said to the contrary.
Now with Trump’s triumphant return only days away the Democrats can’t even come to honest grips with their momentous electoral defeat. Biden was unfit to run, and Harris was unaccomplished. The election results are easily explained by bad economic, immigration, and foreign policy. Add to that corruption coupled with a vacuous candidate and you have a recipe for defeat.
Yet whose fault is it for this most grave and consequential loss……..yours of course.
You didn’t think they were going to blame Trump for this one, did you?
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, on last Sunday’s Meet the Press program, had it figured out.
Schumer, whose fingerprints were on the knife plunged into the president’s posterior, claimed about Biden, “He’s a great guy. And when he stepped down, he did it on his own because he thought it was better, not only for the Democratic Party, but for America. We should all salute him.”
Sure, and Julius Caesar resigned due to a backache.
Schumer’s bony center claw was on display when he explained the election loss, “And we really didn’t show the kind of empathy and concern to average – or show enough of it – to average working families who didn’t realize how much we had done and how much we care for them.”
Schumer pins Harris’ loss not on an actual lack of empathy and concern for the average American, but instead on voters who “didn’t realize“ how much Democrats had done and how much they cared.
Yep, that’s it, Democrats lost because they just love us too much and we’re too stupid to recognize it.
If this spells the end of the Democrat party so be it, but I know political finger pointing will never end. They just love us too much to stop.
Stephen Piccirillo 2024