It’s been a little over a week since Donald Trump’s inauguration. Already, he has been “blitzing” as the media puts it—churning out executive orders and declarations of national emergency from the White House like some fantastical machine in a Looney Tunes cartoon.
The inauguration holds historical significance as well as historical moments. Aside from the fact that Trump and Grover Cleveland are the sole presidents to serve two nonconsecutive terms, there was the (unimportant) hubbub over Mrs. Vance’s choice of a “bubblegum pink” coat, Carrie Underwood singing a cappella, and “the hat” episode. When Trump mentioned in his speech his goal of putting the Stars and Stripes on Mars, Elon Musk acted like a kid in a candy store, with an ear-to-ear grin to match. Indeed, the Democratic audience looked unimpressed to be in attendance. As Senator Deb Fischer spoke, former president Clinton donned his reading glasses to attentively scan the inaugural program while simultaneously, Biden gave a prolonged (almost frozen) yawn. Trump pivoted from left to right during his speech, giving equal preference to both sides of the room.
Yes, Trump is making violent waves with such terminology as “Revolution of Common Sense” and “Liberation Day”. He is noticeably wanting us to think of his second term as a sort of “war”. Even his now-fulfilled promise, “I’ll be back!”, echoes General Douglas MacArthur’s. But if it’s war for us as Conservatives, then (and here’s the punchline) it’s also war for the Democrats. There is no such thing as a one-sided war.
Right now it’s relieving to let out our breath (we’ve been holding it during all four Biden-Harris years). We want to put our feet up and switch the channel from Politics & News to Pure Pleasure & Complacency. Those low gas prices and the roaring economy can’t come soon enough! After all, we’ve got the Conservatives in. Trump and Vance are hanging their hats in the White House, and our people have the majority in the House and Senate. Perfect, right?
Not exactly.
Take a closer look. The Democrats are seething over the situation as much as we are rejoicing. We believe in the façade of complete rule; they know better—we only have a light hold on Capitol Hill. While we are distracted by the glittery surface appearance of Conservative power blanketing the nation, the Dems know we can easily lose all that in the midterms. They will be putting all of their energy into pulling off a victory in midterms.
We must stay alert, be in constant prayer for our leaders, pay attention to the issues. If your Senators or Congressmen start to compromise, beat the drum about it.
On a side note, please don’t think that since Trump is in the presidential chair all’s well with the world: Trump is not God. It needs to be pointed out that we Americans are becoming far too Trump oriented. Our patriotism doesn’t have to equal red ballcaps and MAGA t-shirts in order to successfully check the box. Our patriotism is first beholden to the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and our flag.
I’m thankful beyond words to God for His mercifully allowing Trump to take office on January 20, and I’m looking forward as much as the next average American to change. But the course of events—Trump or no Trump—is in our Creator’s mighty hands. This is truly the reason why we sing to Him requesting, “God, bless America”.