Selective Persecution: The Legalization of American Fascism

In the early months of the COVID crisis, Dr. Simone Gold organized doctors and social media influencers to hold a White Coat Summit in Washington, DC, and she said something that nobody expected: the disease was treatable, and the panic was killing people. This press conference in front of the Supreme Court exceeded twenty million views within eight hours, becoming the most explosive viral video of its time. 
Instantaneously, Dr. Gold was transformed from an anonymous board-certified emergency physician and attorney to “public health” enemy number one. As a whistleblower who sacrificed her job to save a patient’s life, she began to appear frequently on media and speak at events across the country, peeling back the deepening layers of medical propaganda. On January 6, 2021, she was an invited guest speaker alongside several congressmen at a Capitol grounds rally with a government-approved permit.

That is where this story begins. 
Selective Persecution: The Legalization of American Fascism weaves a narrative from Dr. Gold’s personal experience as a frontline doctor, and her forty-eight minutes inside the US Capitol Building on January 6. The author walks readers through an array of COVID lies and corruption, the course of January 6 itself, and the unfathomable progression of fascist government abuse that followed. She endured a violent FBI raid, extreme malice and misconduct by the Department of Justice, and was sentenced to federal prison amid shocking corruption in the judiciary. She was then further persecuted by the California Medical Board, the New York Bar, congressional committees, the TSA, and was widely defamed by the press and most of the world—all for the crime of daring to speak the truth.
Selective Persecution is Dr. Gold’s chilling story about how a weaponized government can be turned against any citizen. 

Available May 6, 2025

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“The clearest voices belong to those who endure injustice and refuse to be silenced. Dr. Simone Gold has been relentlessly attacked, persecuted, labeled, and then imprisoned for exercising her constitutional rights—the very rights which our government is supposed to protect. She was treated cruelly by the Deep State, but she persevered.
The story of tyrannical government prosecution has been repeated far too many times, and it must come to an end. Dr. Gold is an inspiring example of the type of actions Americans must take to fight for freedom. Her story is triumphant for truth and dangerous for every corrupt government office. Every page turns with a sense of urgency to firmly restore rule of law in America. All Americans must now stand up, step up and speak up against the tyranny permeating the depths of our injustice system. This timeless read will renew your faith in America, the true North Star for the rest of the freedom loving world.”
—Michael T. Flynn, lieutenant general, US Army (retired)

“It takes a special kind of courage to write a book that publicly calls out the system that put you in jail, wrecked your life, and smeared your name in front of an entire nation. Dr Gold is a living, breathing example of what it means to never bend, never bow, and never break to unrelenting tyranny. This book is a must read!”
—John Rich, country singer-songwriter and patriot

“Selective Persecution is a chilling exposé of America’s two-tiered justice system, where due process is sacrificed for political vengeance. This is something I know about firsthand, and a recurring theme exposed in my movies. With firsthand experience and meticulous detail, Dr. Gold unveils how J6 defendants have been subjected to government overreach reminiscent of authoritarian regimes—SWAT raids, indefinite detention, and Orwellian surveillance. But the punishment extends far beyond the courtroom: financial ruin, public shaming, and blacklisting serve as extra-judicial tools of intimidation. This book is a warning. If constitutional rights can be stripped from some, they can be stripped from all.”
—Dinesh D’Souza, author and filmmaker

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“Dr. Simone Gold’s Selective Prosecution is a must-read for anyone who still believes in justice, freedom, and the Constitution. As a fellow J6 defendant, I know firsthand what it’s like to be targeted by a government that no longer plays by the rules. What happened to us wasn’t about law and order—it was about crushing dissent, silencing voices, and making an example of anyone who dared to question the narrative.
Dr. Gold exposes it all: the politically motivated arrests, the kangaroo courts, the weaponized media smears, and the brutal reality of what happens when the full force of the federal government decides to destroy you. This book isn’t just a personal story—it’s a warning to every American. If they can do this to us, they can do it to you. Read Selective Prosecution and understand what’s at stake before it’s too late.
—Brandon Straka, founder of #WalkAway

“One of the most important news stories of our time has to do with weaponization of our once-trusted institutions. The perverted system has been used to attack, silence, and punish reporters, whistleblowers, and physicians who dare veer from the narrative that powerful forces insist the public accept. Dr. Simone Gold has an important story to tell. Wherever you stand on a given issue, the larger meaning behind this assault on the American way should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.”
— Sharyl Attkisson, Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter and New York Times bestselling author

“Dr. Simone Gold delivers a blistering firsthand account of what it means to be a January 6 political prisoner in Joe Biden’s America. Selective Persecution pulls back the curtain on the federal government’s ruthless, coordinated effort to punish, silence, and destroy anyone who dared to challenge the regime. From pre-dawn SWAT raids to indefinite pretrial detention, from Soviet-style show trials in a rigged DC, court to extra-judicial punishment that follows defendants long after their release—this is political persecution at its worst. Dr. Gold’s experience was not unique. It was part of a calculated effort to criminalize dissent and send a warning to all Americans: step out of line, and you will be next. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the real story of January 6 and the dangerous precedent being set for the future of our country.”
—Julie Kelly, author, political commentator and independent journalist

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“Dr. Gold’s virtues are numerous, and one of my favorites is her unique combination of courage and righteousness. We are living in an extraordinary time, characterized by the rampant suppression of free speech, the flagrant use of lies for the purpose of political gain, and worst of all, the soulless embrace of cruelty in the pursuit of power. Dr. Gold has been the tip of the spear in the battle against these dark forces. She has a beautiful and remarkable story to tell . . . and it is still being written.”
—Dr. Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD, author of Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health; professor, University of Florida College of Medicine; and Surgeon General of Florida

“America has always been the ‘shining city on a hill’—the symbol of freedom for the world. In Selective Persecution, Dr. Gold shares her deeply personal experience with the nation’s sharpening edges of tyranny. The corrupt tactics used against her provide an eye-opening example of what our government is capable of if we the people do not courageously stand up for our national identity. Dr. Gold’s story provides a riveting warning of what may come upon all Americans if we relinquish our great nation into the grip of fascism.”
—Bob McEwen, former US Representative

“My friend, Dr. Simone Gold, has written a book that will be banned if the Orwellian Ministry of Truth becomes a reality. However, if enough people read this book and are inspired to use all the peaceful tools available to re-establish the liberties and fairness anticipated by our Bill of Rights, we just may be able to perpetuate our republic for a while longer. The phrase ‘Sunlight is the best disinfectant’ only holds true if people recognize the cancerous injustices that occurred in DC on January 6. Reading this book should also inspire citizens to take lawful action to ensure that our governments and the medical industrial complex never lie to us again about a deadly disease, its potential treatments, and the ineffectiveness or potential adverse effects of things they force upon us.”
—Louie Gohmert, former US Congressman and former Chief Justice of the TX 12th Court of Appeals

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“The FBI and DOJ have become a conviction factory hellbent on making the process the punishment for their perceived political enemies. Like so many, Dr. Simone Gold fell into the crosshairs of the same government that is supposed to exist to defend her rights. Dr. Gold’s harrowing account and bravery in the face of despotism are a cautionary tale and inspirational call to arms for all Americans to stand against tyranny.”
—Steve Friend, FBI whistleblower, @RealStevefriend

“I entered Congress for the opportunity to continue my service to the American people, in pursuit of our common American goals. It has been alarming to observe firsthand the weaponization of our federal agencies against ordinary American citizens described in Selective Persecution. Dr. Gold’s mistreatment by our federal government is shameful—and eye opening. I urge every American to read this book, to learn just how fascist techniques are being deployed, and then make the decision to refuse to simply ‘go along’ with unethical orders.”
—Congressman Scott Perry

“Selective Persecution is a powerful account of how government overreach in America has reached Marxist levels and why we need to stop it before it is too late. There is hope for the United States, and it lies in the heart of every freedom-loving American. Dr. Gold sounds the rallying cry in Selective Persecution—a must read for every American concerned for the future of our country. Calling all moms and dads!”
—Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms for America

“Dr. Simone Gold presents a compelling and well-researched case documenting selective persecution that is solely based on ideology with total disregard to the rule of law. Never could we have imagined that ‘fascism’ would ever be used to describe the highest branches of government in America. Selective Persecution is a wakeup call to every American that the political weaponization of the government against law abiding citizens must end before this cancer destroys our freedom. As a victim herself of the unconstitutional J6 prosecution of innocent citizens, Dr. Gold’s experience and this book could set the stage for much needed government reform. What was meant for evil, may well turn out for good. (Genesis 50:20). Dr. Gold is a warrior—a fearless voice for truth. Once you begin reading her story, you will not want to put it down.”
—Mat Staver, Esq., founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel

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“Dr. Gold’s Selective Persecution is the explosive exposé we’ve all been waiting for. I’ve seen firsthand how the Deep State operates, and Dr. Gold’s experience on January 6 is a chilling blueprint of their strategy. This was a preplanned operation dismantling constitutional protections. She lays bare the corrupt machinery of a justice system weaponized against truth tellers and patriots. In these pages, you’ll see the real fascism at work. This book is a manual to understand the fight we’re in. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.”
—Congressman Clay Higgins

“Dr. Simone Gold has a story to tell, and the power of her narrative is both breathtaking and heartbreaking. In learning what this courageous doctor endured to defend her beliefs, many people will consider the risky axiom, ‘There, but for the grace of God, go I.’ Through Simone Gold’s indomitable spirit, we can all take heart and stand together in opposing government actions which criminalize citizens.”
—Dr. Scott Jensen, former MN State Senator and gubernatorial candidate

“Dr. Simone Gold is above everything else, my friend. I say this because during the insanity and tyranny of Covid, friends were few because friendship required fearlessness. During this time, it wasn’t the voice of my enemies that was difficult to handle, it was the deafening silence of those I had thought were my friends. Amazingly however, during Covid I discovered the strongest friends I have ever know in all my life. Dr. Simone Gold was my first friend in the medical world to stand fearlessly against the Covid insanity. Most of America’s doctors remained silent and complied with the stupidity because they were too afraid of losing something if they spoke the truth. Dr. Gold seemed at times to be the lone light of medical honesty in the dark cavernous silence of medical cowardice. Prior to Covid, I had never met Dr. Gold and yet now, I cannot imagine a world without her. My friend Dr Simone Gold is amazing and the story she has written, forever changed my life.”
—Pastor Rob McCoy, senior pastor of Godspeak Church and former Mayor of Thousand Oaks, CA

“To be a young doctor during the darkest days of COVID was to witness my profession be consumed by a fear, cowardice, and ultimately, evil. But then one day I saw on the steps of the Supreme Court a group of doctors led by Dr. Gold, all standing up for what we knew to be true. Hearing her fearlessly tell the truth was one of the first times I truly understood what it means to be a doctor. Over the next four years, I watched her sacrifice everything. Her refusal to give up paved the way so many of us would later follow. Her boldness in speaking truth to power inspired me—and will inspire everyone who reads this book.
—Dr. Eithan Haim, surgeon and Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower

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“My life’s work has been to observe why and when people do the right thing. Dr. Simone Gold has chosen to consistently act ethically despite overwhelming obstacles against doing so. She stared down the medical cabal, she saved thousands of lives when public health government officials misled the world, and she repeatedly took heroic action when other doctors were silent. Gold’s firsthand account demands that we pay attention to the brutal reality of political imprisonment, state-sponsored intimidation, and the silencing of dissent. This book is more than a personal story—it is a warning and a call to action. Read this and take a stand.
—Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and Letter to the American Church

“Having witnessed firsthand the devastation wrought by tyranny in my native Lebanon, I see parallels in the legal and political maneuvers described in Selective Persecution. Dr. Gold’s personal journey through the January 6 aftermath isn’t just a story of one woman’s struggle: it’s a stark warning to all Americans. This book reveals how the very infrastructure for oppression is being constructed under our noses. It’s a must-read for freedom-lovers anywhere.”
—Brigitte Gabriel, author and political commentator, founder ACT for America

About the Author

Simone Gold, MD, JD is an emergency physician and Stanford University-educated attorney. She is the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) and of GoldCare®. She is the author of I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture, and in her documentary, What Is a Doctor? Dr. Gold engages in the culture war being waged against families.

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