And hopefully “twice removed” after this latest charade… NASA and the Senate!
Mark Kelly is an Arizona Democrat Senator since 2020. Prior to that, he was a Navy pilot and astronaut having flown 5 missions into space. He has an identical twin astronaut brother, Scott, and is married to wife Gabby Giffords who was an Arizona Democrat Representative. In 2011 she survived an assassination attempt of a bullet to the head campaigning for a second term. She was a Republican before she switched party to the Democrats.
To many Americans Mark Kelly has been a likeable guy and even American hero, other than he and his wife becoming rabid gun control fanatics after her assassination attempt.
But several days ago he crossed the line from sanity into insanity and it was such a flagrant foul even casual observers of the news recognized it and began calling him out for it.
Somebody on his inner circle must have mistakenly told him the old adage, “Any publicity is good publicity”. He then opted to do a performance politics video short for social media of the Internet.
“Gutfeld: Only Dems would root against US heroism” – Fox News
“When I bought this thing, I didn’t think it was going to become a political issue. Every time i get into this car in the last 60 days or so, it reminds me how much damage Elon Musk and Donald Trump is doing to the country. So this is going to be my last, last trip in this car.
There were some things I really liked about it, things I didn’t like about it, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is doing the right thing. I think it is time to get rid of it.
Elon Musk turned out to be a a**hole and I don’t want to drive the car built and designed by a a**hole.”
So this is a Democrat Senator who used to be an actual NASA astronaut who, until 3 months ago, was all in on the Democrat’s Green New Deal and throwing taxpayer dollars around like confetti on New Year’s Day in Times Square.
So let us get this straight, Mark…
But now, the Green New Deal is no longer a priority so electric vehicles (EVs) can be traded back in for a gas guzzling SUV Chevy Tahoe. And because former president Joe Biden is no longer in office, and Elon Musk is performing an audit of Federal finances of the last 4 years, at the direction of President Donald Trump, to uncover the crimes the Democrats have committed the last 4 years, it is okay to both forget climate change and hate on Elon Musk?
So as Elon Musk who owns and operates Space X (not just Tesla) is in the very middle of a rescue operation to bring home 2 American astronauts who had an 8 day mission get extended out to 9 months, you, Mark Kelly, as a veteran former astronaut, think it is appropriate to bash a fellow American hero who is committed bringing one each of your brothers and sisters home from space?
“Senator does remarkable 180, rages against ‘a**hole’ Musk” – Fox news
Much of America’s right has had something to say about this “Class X” hypocrisy of Mark Kelly but perhaps nobody said it better than Tomi Lahren of Fox News.
“Tomi Lahren: Democrats apparently support ‘gas guzzlers’ now” – Fox News
“Listen, as I said on X, also owned by Elon Musk, I believe the circle of psychosis has now been completed. We now have leftist liberals going against electric vehicles, not all electric vehicles, but just those that happen to be the most popular electric vehicle and the innovator the perfected the electric vehicle… They are going after the Tesla because they hate Donald Trump and they hate Elon Musk that much.
So I guess mother earth be damned, they are now for the gas guzzler’s… As I said watching the snake eat his own tail is really something to behold.”
Mark Kelly was a man I used to respect but as he did his little performance public relations art yesterday, I, again, found myself wanting a job with a six figure salary paid by the DNC to help them improve their image. Had they put me on payroll I would have advised Mark:
“Mark? This speech you were given reminds me of a line from the 1976 film Carrie, ‘They’re all gonna laugh at you’. Let me put this in terms even a Democrat can understand: If you do this at the very moment Musk is rescuing the 2 Biden-abandoned astronauts from the ISS, people will think you took the bullet to the head rather than your wife! As Joe Biden would say, if he still could think, ‘Don’t!’”
© 2025 by Mark S. Schwendau